On May 11, 2011, at around 5:00 am (or 05:11:11 AM if you prefer the "cuteness" of pairing it with the date 5/11/11 hehehe), four planets of the solar system will have a conjunction over the eastern horizon. The two bright planets involved are Venus and Jupiter, with Mercury and Mars providing faint companionship with the two other bright planets. Mag tapok-tapok sila in the sky, with angular separations of no more than 5 degrees from each other (with Venus and Jupiter only about 1-2 degrees apart!).
The event will take place about 10-15 degrees above the eastern horizon at around 5am. If you hold your fist in front of you, the angular separation between the bottom of your fist and the top of your fist is about 10 degrees, so two of your fists held on top of each other will represent 20 degrees...hold them in front of you with the bottom of your bottom fist on the eastern horizon, and that's the area you need to check.
Here's a snapshot off Stellarium that I took, to show how the event will look like...
Now, important notes about this event:
a) Will only be visible in GOOD, CLEAR WEATHER, especially considering how low the event will take place in the eastern horizon (area where the sun rises).
b) This "tapok" doesn't mean that the planets are really close to each other--they are only close to each other from the vantage point of earth...in reality, they are NOT close to each other. To illustrate this...
...let's go out of the earth and view the planets involved from a distance.
As you can see, if we draw a dashed green line from the earth, the line-of-sight we create passes through all the four planets, even though they are not really that close to each other...viewed again from a vantage point closer to the earth, this is how it looks...
So natiming lang nga line of sight sila, mao na ang hinungdan nganong murag "nag-tapok" sila in the sky. So, what does this mean? It means nga conjunctions do not spell the end of the world or such things--they are only nice things to look at in the sky, if you know where to look, and you know what you're looking at :
My best guess is, if you were not informed about this event in advanced, and you saw this event yourself on the morning of May 11, you would think
"Unsa kaha nang mga bright stars nga nakit-an nako outside the window? Nindot lagi..." and you'd never know what it was...
...but now you know
Just hope for good weather on that day