The age at which a rabbit can be bred depends on the size of the breed and the *** of the rabbit. In small breed rabbits the doe is normally ready to mate when she is 5 months old, and a buck is ready at 6 months. In medium breed rabbits the doe is ready to breed when she is 6 months old and the buck at 7 months. In large breed rabbits the doe is ready at 8 months and the buck is ready at 9 months.

Rabbits do not ovulate on a regular cycle, as a result they do not actually go into heat. The mating of the rabbit will cause the doe to produce the eggs necessary for fertilization, usually 10-13 hours after breeding has occurred. Although the does has no actual heat cycle, she will only accept the buck in about 12 out of every 14 days . When she is ready to breed her vent area will be a dark pink, red or purple.