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Prefered Meetups: JY, Mc Do or Jolibee
Color: Pink
Price: 190 negotiable
This illuminated ear wax remover and pick lets you see exactly how many pounds of wax have
built up inside your child's ears. This tiny device includes two picks and one tweezer which can be
mounted on the tip to help mine for gold. Hopefully whoever uses this has a steady hand as we all
know that sticking stuff in our ears is a big no no.
. Brand new
. Convenient removal of earwax with help of the light at the tip
. Replaceable ear pick and tweezer (included 2 different size ear picks and 1 x tweezer)
. Elegant appearance that is perfectly engineered to fit the human ear
. LR41 Battery included
Anti Drowsy - Drive Alert(6)
Color: Blue
Price: 165 negotiable
This anti-drowsy alarm is designed to raise drivers awareness of momentany lapses caused by
sleepiness and tiredness. Wear behind the right ear it works on the principle of electronic balance.
As the drivers head nods below a preset angle it emits a loud alarm signal alerting the driver to
take corrective action,take a break or even take a nap.the Nap Zapper is not only designed for
drivers,it is perfect for people who need to be on fulll alert while on duty such as security guards,
machine operators, and even aspiring models who need to work on their posture.
Also selling China Made: Hearing Aid