*As of now, mao pa ni akong stocks..
*i'll post the pics later..
*just text 09339329630....
*NEW Haplopelma minax 2 cm 1.3k each...
Singapore Blue 1.5 inches 1.2k 6 pcs left, 6 sold
Cobalt Blue 2cm+ 1.2k 2 pcs left, 4 sold
A.seemani 2 inches 1.2k 2 pcs left, 1 sold, 1 reserved
H.gigas 5 inches pos male 2k 1pc
B.vagans 2 cm 400 3 pcs left
Cobalt Blue 4.5 inches female 3.5k 1 pc
H.laoticus 5i 700 3 pcs left
H.spinifer adults 1.2k 3 pcs left, 1 sold
C.nitidus 4i 500 sold
As of now, fix lang usa ang pricing ha.. kai i need extra funds for my father's therapy... Thanks for understanding..