Some tips that you should remember when traveling to Beijing.
1. Know a little bit of the language or take an electronic dictionary or have a friend take you around.
2. Taking the subway is very easy as long as you know which station you are going. It is 2 kuai per trip or around 14Php. It is relatively cheap to commute using the subway and bus. The taxis are quite expensive they start at 10 kuai or around 70Php. There are also black cabs that can take you but you have to know how to negotiate with them.
3. When eating in small restaurants, you pay first before eating. So don't be surprised when they give you the bill and you haven't started eating or your food's not on the table yet.
4. Waiters, waitresses, service people in all establishments are called fu wu yuan. So no need to go near them and ask for something just shout out as loud as you want FUWUYUAN!
5. Beware of scammers! They will seduce you into going with them for coffee or tea. These are pretty girls on the streets that start talking to you and asking you to take them for coffee or tea. This is a scam! When you follow them you are now obligated to pay around 2000 kuai worth of tea stuff that you're not even gonna enjoy. Because they will tease you, smile at you, seduce you, say nice things about you and so you will end up going in their shops.
6. You should know that in China, there are no toilet bowls only floor toilets. So remember to learn to squat before planning a trip to China.