“Rotten Truth behind Rabusa’s Testimony”
The ongoing investigation over the AFP “pabaon” system, which first gained momentum over the exhausting plunder cases of Major General Carlos Garcia, took disquieting turns when Sen. Jinggoy Estrada introduced a “surprise witness” in the likes of former AFP Budget Officer - Ret. Col. George Rabusa. The sudden “yard-swinging” of Rabusa leading him to testify against his former superiors- Garcia and former AFP Chief of Staff Angelo Reyes - shocked the military circle. However, instead of spawning shock and awe, as what the military term it, Rabusa’s “coming in clean” testimony was rather expected by most of those who knew him well. Of course, the cunning protégée of Reyes as what most called him was expected to save no one but himself as he is simply not known as someone who would stick around a sinking boat. Besides, Rabusa would not be idiotic enough to resist an opportunity where he could get a hold of “clean money” in exchange for him breaking his silence. There is no question on Rabusa’s value in the investigation. In fact, with the intensity of his participation in the entire plunder caboodle he deserves nothing else but a cold damp prison cell next to Garcia.
Rabusa’s testimony is by far the most pre-orchestrated and selective statement ever presented in public. This dissected testimony working for Rabusa’s advantage, which also generate public favor over his so-called attempt at honesty is appalling. Thus, this pretentious man needs to be exposed; starting with his own unexplained road to riches and vehemently covered-up affiliations with those he is now testifying against.
Right Connections
Rabusa’s millions started to pile-up after he started bagging sensitive positions in the AFP, particularly his years of stay as G2, PA’s budget officer under then Col. Raul Urgello. By the time Urgello was seated as the Commanding General of the Philippine Army (CGPA), Rabusa served as his “money man”. In other terms, Rabusa took care of all the finances and needs under the office of CGPA. At that time Rabusa’s extravagant lifestyle reached beyond ridicule. Specifically, Rabusa who was then just a junior officer started brandishing his top-of-the-line SUVs at his residence in PAOVILLE without trepidation. Rabusa even relished being “untouchable” within the AFP with his so-called “connections” particularly that of Gen. Urgello. On top of this, his wife - Debbie Rabusa - overly enjoyed being the center of attention during parties inside the Philippine Army clubhouse in Fort Bonifacio. This devious “clout” was benefitted by the entire Rabusa household with the couple being branded as the military’s “Bonnie and Clyde” with reference to their graft-centered partnership.
Just as Urgello’s extended privilege over Rabusa short circuited with the former’s looming retirement, Rabusa managed to expand his connection and influence to the then promising Gen. Angelo Reyes. The huge possibility of Reyes getting the revered position of being the AFP’s Chief of Staff made him practically a priority among Rabusa’s targets. To undertake this, Rabusa made use of the fact that Urgello and Reyes were “mistahs” and that their wives were both active in the Phil Army Officers’ Ladies Club (PAOLC) to vouch his way inside the Reyes’ lives. With a bit of help from Urgello, Rabusa managed to win both Gen. Reyes and Mrs. Tess Reyes’ trust. Rabusa initially smothered Mrs. Reyes with the right expensive gifts all thanks to the army logistics which is under his control. At that point, Rabusa was flaunting having groomed Reyes’ down to his early stages of prominence from being the Southern Command Chief until his much celebrated ascension to the AFP Chief of Staff Post. This simply held the Reyes’ indebted to Rabusa that later ended with favor-giving that subsequently got Rabusa his coveted position – the Chief Budget officer of J6, AFP.
Of course, with the AFP’s budget at his mercy Rabusa was able to prove his worth to the Reyes. Part of which was his publicly disclosed practice of giving Mrs. Reyes pocket money amounting to $10,000 – 20,000 during her unofficial trips abroad. However, what Rabusa failed to account was the lucrative benefits he gained from his end of the bargain. With over the fifteen (15) unofficial trips abroad made by Mrs. Reyes’, Rabusa overestimated the cost allowances, thus leaving him to pocket over Php 30,000,000 worth of “dead money”.
More so, Rabusa failed to mention the part where his wife – Debbie took the pleasure of being Mrs. Reyes all-expense paid “travel buddy”. Rabusa intentionally deleted the part where his wife equally lavished herself with pricey trips and shopping sprees not to mention her own “travel allowance”. These travels were in fact substantiated by the February 03, 2011 issue of Global Balita after it was able to gather travel records from the Bureau of Immigrations revealing Mrs. Erlinda Ligot and Mrs. Debbie Rabusa’s travel itineraries together with Mrs. Tess Reyes. Thus, his denial last February 07, 2011 of his wife – Debbie’s affiliation with Mrs. Ligot and Reyes specifically their joint travels abroad was an outright contempt. Rabusa, with his silly excuse of brazenness, even testified in the House of Representatives on December 15, 2004 that his wife’s travels were not official and is in fact shouldered by him. That is, despite the fact that he has no substantial source of income capable of financially backing-up his wife’s frequent trips abroad.
But these fabricated lies not only cover these questionable trips, Rabusa has also written out Debbie’s constant meeting with Mrs. Tess Reyes and Lynn Ligot here in the country. The three (Mrs. Rabusa, Reyes and Ligot) are often seen holding meetings with known AFP contractors in various first-class hotel lobbies wherein they personally asked for cutbacks from multi-million military contracts approved under Rabusa’s office –J6. This practice which they tag as “influence-peddling” made it possible for all three spouses to fish-out prospective properties all over the United States, just like the one in Anaheim, California where they each bought adjacent mansions.
Rabusa’s Bleeped-Out Pabaon
Rabusa owns two (2) 10-million worth mansions inside AFPOVAI furnished with Italian furniture and fixtures. One of which was pegged under his brother’s name, who was a member of Class 83 and assigned with the Philippine Navy. He also owns another residence in Parañaque, a weekend place in Batangas, a 50-million worth mansion in one of Quezon City’s exclusive subdivisions, and another mansion in Fairview named after Rabusa’s mistress. On top of it all, Rabusa handled a Php 1.5 million worth debut party in 2004 for his eldest daughter at the New World Hotel. Furthermore, the Rabusa couple managed to launder $5,000,000 cold cash by embedding parts of which on balikbayan boxes; the said amount is Rabusa’s so-called “pabaon” before his retirement in 2004.
Right before the case of Garcia blew out of proportion in September of 2004, Debbie was able to sell all her known assets in the States including the one in Anaheim, California. A portion of this money was used to establish a company called the Art International Inc. located in 3115 Rancho Vista Ste D, Palmdale, CA 93551. Throughout Debbie’s stay in the United States, all her children were enrolled in exclusive schools not to mention her frequent visits in casinos together with Mrs. Ligot. At the same time, George Rabusa, who was supposedly under “house arrest” was seen frequenting casinos in Manila together with his mistress.
Rabusa Peddling His Testimony
Breaking Rabusa’s silence is worth millions. Of course, he knew peddling his testimony to Senator Estrada would buy him the opportunity to sweep his backyard clean and snag himself a dirt free reward. Rabusa knew Estrada would easily take the bait minding the latter’s apathy towards the late Gen. Reyes who ditched the former Estrada administration in the height of EDSA Dos. Thus, insolvent Rabusa could lose nothing less than good for nothing comrades but with plenty to gain in terms of public trust and possibly political relevance. His testimony practically got him his easy way out of persecution. All he needed to do was make the first “squeal” and have the rest of politicking statesmen exploit it for the sake of foul “paybacks”.
Rabusa likened himself to “drug traffickers” who simply push their unsuspecting targets to take the deep fall. In this case, Rabusa shoved former generals not to plain substance addiction but towards the impulse to commit fraud and theft against the Republic. If we hound Garcia and others with likened involvement to the AFP payola controversy, why not make the same argument and scrutiny towards Rabusa? He wittingly overturned well-decorated generals’ principles in exchange for millions; should we give him the exact same chance to toy with Filipinos’ sense of just and morals by making us believe he is less “guilty” with his crimes worth the extension of leniency? His selective testimony is definitely not worth his absolution. One can easily read between Rabusa’s lines and it no less repeats the thought of being “self-serving” and overly played-out. These investigations is meant to make sweeping analyses and inquests free of partisan politics else self gain and excuse for downright guilty individuals like Rabusa to get off the hook.