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Thread: dvi & vga

  1. #1

    Default dvi & vga

    mga bro unsay naka lahi nila duha? DVI & VGA? aside sa socket niya, how bout sa image quality or sa iya performace?

  2. #2

    Default Re: dvi & vga

    DVI sends video signal in digital format while VGA sends analog video signal. DVI is better than VGA in quality and performance. First nimo ma notice is crispier ang imo text. Even a VGA monitor connected to a DVI port using a VGA-DVI converter still has noticeable differences.

  3. #3
    Elite Member inspector_ronan's Avatar
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    Default Re: dvi & vga

    DVI --> LCD ----> not good daw in term of color quality

    VGA ---> Monitor CRT ----> flat screen---> ok color.

    thats what i know.. correct if im wrong...

  4. #4

    Default Re: dvi & vga

    mao ba bro. ibalhin koni ako monitor. hehehe

  5. #5

    Default Re: dvi & vga

    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_ronan
    DVI --> LCD ----> not good daw in term of color quality

    VGA ---> Monitor CRT ----> flat screen---> ok color.

    thats what i know.. correct if im wrong...
    that used to be true ... modern flat panel displays look better now.
    if you have an LCD display or plan to buy one.. make sure it has a DVI input coz some cheapo LCD units only has VGA connectors!

  6. #6

    Default Re: dvi & vga

    kung lcd mas maayo ang dvi kay digital diretso.
    video card (digital) -> dvi (digital) -> LCD (digital)
    video card (digital) -> Video DAC (digital -> analog) -> vga (analog) -> LCD vga ADC (analog -> digital) ->LCD (digital)

    Pero kung crt vga ra man guro. naa bay crt nga naay DVI input?

  7. #7

    Default Re: dvi & vga

    Quote Originally Posted by bossdak

    Pero kung crt vga ra man guro. naa bay crt nga naay DVI input?
    so far wala koy nahibaw-an.. and if naa it would be impractical.. but i have tried putting a CRT display into a DVI port using a DVI-VGA adapter and I've noticed that images and text were a lot sharper

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