Intel's Sandy Bridge chip problem is causing quite the kerfuffle. Working in retail selling these boards everyday is going to be hard for the next few months. What do you tell customers? As a retailer we're having to explain a huge issue which is daunting to a new customer coming in off the street, however most manufacturers are stepping up to the plate with some great service.
Gigabyte now has a free tool to check 6-series motherboards for their SATA problem. It will check if the installed hard drives are connected to the defective SATA ports, whether the board is prone to the said defect. Not all 6-series motherboards have the issue, so having a tool like this is quite helpful. Nice work Gigabyte!
Gigabyte releases free tool to check your possibly affected Sandy Bridge board :: TweakTown USA Edition
Maybe I can finally get to visit the
Norman Rockwell Museum of Stockbridge Massachusetts one day soon.