Zamboanga City
Individual Pack: PHp 290
One Box (x12 pcs): 3480.00
Avialable Meals: MENU A# 1 - 12.
If interested just contact me.
Price is subject to change depending on availability. Thanks.
The Meal, Ready-to-Eat — commonly known as the MRE — is a self-contained, individual field ration in lightweight packaging bought by the United States military for its service members for use in combat or other field conditions where organized food facilities are not available.
General contents may include: (May Vary)
* Main course (entree)
* Side dish
* Dessert or snack (often commercial candy, fortified pastry, orHOOAH! Bar)
* crackers or bread
* Spread of cheese, peanut butter, or jelly
* Powdered beverage mix: fruit flavored drink, cocoa, instant coffee ortea, sport drink, or dairy shake.
* Utensils (usually just a plastic spoon)
* Flameless ration heater (FRH)
* Beverage mixing bag
* Accessory pack:
o Xylitol chewing gum
o Water-resistant matches
o Napkin / toilet paper
o Moist towelette
o Pack of matches
o Seasonings, including salt, pepper, sugar, creamer, and/or Tabasco sauce
date packed/lot 7060
inspection date : 03/10 4950
Estimated Shelf Life : March 1 2013. Please see - Home
Cheapest Shipping price of 1 box is 537.00 via FastCargo
Please see wilyam555