Hi sa mga Otaku streamer members dha xD post your usernames here
im kellybang in Otaku-streamers
about otaku streamers:
its a streaming site fast and user friendly
advantages of otaku streamers is that it dont use 3rd party videos like megavids. it has its own host for its anime.. and it has also Kdrama and Jdrama, and this site is very unique with its design changing banner it has Shoutbox beside the video and it has many active mods so if your having problem with the vid your watching you can report it to Shoutbox or Chatbox. and there is Watchlog.
use of watchlog is if ga tan aw ka ug anime then mo stop ka for today inig tomorrow just go to your watchlog para makita nimo unza last nimo giwatch nga anime and what episode... and it has a list of anime's that youve watch. soo nindot jud cya ug features...