alright, lots of people alter the names of bands to make fun of them, some of which are quite commical. here's a thread in which we can list some of them. please don't get all cunty about it if your favorite bands are on here, it's all in good fun. even bands I like are on here. so if a band you like is on there, ayaw lang mo kasuko okay? hehe. no offense man.. they all rulezz!! \m/
metallica - selloutica
atreyu - fagtreyu
dimmu borgir - demon burger
as i lay dying - as i lay crying (metalcore to emo
slipknot - slipnut
story of the year - story of the queer
emperor - emperador
walls of jericho - balls of jericho
slapshock - slapsucks
greyhounds - gayhounds
valley of chrome - valley of Rome
faspitch - fastpets
ambassadors - dumb-ass-adors
rivermaya - riBeermaya
comatose - sapatos
kasakit - kasaksh*t
i'll add some more later.. kikikikikik