Mga bros and sis..
I'm giving away from Smart bro canopy connection for free. yes for free.. why? naa nako cdo and I have pldt.. gi upgrade na ni nila to 2mbps..
as per their new contact... it's 24 months. 13 months na ni sa ako..
Motorola Canopy ni cya.. complete pa jud.. pero wla nay gamit kay I moved all my PCs to cdo nah..
my terms is that you assume responsibility of the unit. that's it. you don't have to pay me a single peso..
NOTE: Account is active and you are going to continue the plan. I think mag file pa ka sa Smart ani.. not sure.
Unit is in Banawa.. Dapit sa convergys banawa.. just pm me so that I can coordinate with my brother so that pwde mo mgkita and mag sabot...
**PLEASE PM LNG.. Usik kaayo ug load. maayo ra unta kung naa koy madawatan ani. wla ra ba.