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  1. #1

    Default competetiveness of our workforce

    Philippines outpaced by neighbours in employment, competitiveness

    Davao City (Philippine Daily Inquirer/ANN) - The Philippines has been outpaced by neighbouring Asian countries in terms of labor, employment and competitiveness, Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz said. Speaking at the launching of the Productivity Toolbox and Single Entry Approach (SENA) conference in Davao City, Baldoz said even Indonesia has overtaken the country in these aspects.
    "We're now competing with Bangladesh; Indonesia is ahead of us," Baldoz said.
    She said that the Philippines has to focus "within our Asian neighbours" and find ways to regain its competitiveness.
    Baldoz admitted that to do this, the government needs to give more attention to labour programmes.
    In a chat with reporters after her speech, Baldoz said the Aquino government has been conducting a series of meetings in a bid to remedy the situation.
    She said the need for closer coordination between government agencies was also discussed in these meetings.
    "It is not hard to do it. Doing it is an ordinary thing through an excellent way," she said.
    Other government officials had earlier proposed measures to make the country more competitive and draw more investments.
    For example, Trade Secretary Gregory Domingo has said that to attract fresh investments, the right to security of tenure enjoyed by workers should be clipped.
    But this proposal was slammed by the Trade Union Congress of the Philippines.
    "The right of workers to security of tenure is guaranteed not just by any law, but by the Constitution itself. Secretary Domingo should read the Constitution," former senator Ernesto Herrera, TUCP secretary-general, said.
    Herrera described Domingo's proposal as "unimaginative", and likened it to everyday calls for government to spur business activity by simply freezing wages.
    "Government should stop using workers as sacrificial lambs in the drive to lure new capital," he said Herrera.
    Instead of trimming workers' rights, Herrera said the government should reduce administrative red tape; lessen crime and corruption; build up the country's human resources; ensure stable supply of electricity nationwide; and check unfair trade practices, including smuggling and copyright infringement, that dampen investments.
    "What Secretary Domingo wants in effect is for employers to have even more leeway in arbitrarily throwing workers out of their jobs, so that they may be replaced wholesale with new and cheaper labor," Herrera said.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    "We're now competing with Bangladesh; Indonesia is ahead of us," Baldoz said.
    good luck sa philippines

  3. #3
    fellow istoryans.. i believe this topic is of great importance.. i hope that we will learn from this and might as well have some healthy debates..

    sa ako nakita as a business(es)-owner

    mao ni probs sa ato labor..

    1.) lisud mangita qualified (maski highskul grad nalang.. mdu lisud2x jud)
    2.) sobra ka taas sweldo for the effort needed to perform such tasks..
    3.) kulang training facilities sa gobierno (TESDA is good pero lacking in some programs)
    4.) loyalty (masabot ra)
    5.) sobra ka daghan unnecessary protection to the point nga expensive kaau ang wages
    6.) most important - ubos kaau self-esteem mga trabahante..

    ako nakita nga prob ani is..
    1.) sobra ka taas taxes..
    2.) pangit ang working environment as dili stricto or stricto in paper lang ang governing body when it comes to the condition of the workplace.. (a good workplace saves a lot of money!)
    3.) sobra ka taas sweldo mao gmay ra ma employ n mahal ang palitonon (ciempre, aha man diay ipatong ang sweldo dba?)
    4.) hassle kaau ang hiring and firing process..

    china and india have cheaper manual labor than us.. in the services level.. pakistanis are as competent as ours but are a lot cheaper.. china can mas produce nurses which are a lot cheaper than ours..

    call center agents in india are as competent and some are even better than ours.. at a cheaper rate.. mas motivated pa jud mo work sila didtu..

    sa mga workers.. ayaw mo reklamo kay gamayan ra mo sa inu sweldo nga madawat limpyo.. kay ang inu amo mas dako pa actual nga gibayad ana para ninu in terms of taxes and other necessary expenses (sss,insurance, etc)...

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by masakiton View Post
    good luck sa philippines
    with regards to our labor.. it seems our country is more of a socialist and slowly becoming more and more communistic.. saon man pud ni ato leaders oi.. talawan kaau.. hadlok kaau muobos ila popularity ratings..

    our labor force is not yet geared enough to compete in the free market..

    bad labor laws are killing businesses and scaring investors.. ang bad side ani for the workers is, contractual jobs nalang ang usually available para nila..

    dapat ang labor laws favorable sa mga businesses.. is the businesses that pays wages..

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