My Fellow Pet Lovers:
I am imploring you to please include my puppy Dexter in your daily prayers.
We just brought him to the vet this morning. He's confined at MCA animal care clinic.
He was vomiting and passing out semi-formed to watery stools. He was weak and lethargic.
Our vet diagnosed him with Parvo. He's just two months. We just had him for three days.
The doc said he might have contracted the virus from where we got him.
He's a jolly puppy with funny ears. He's the third member of our dog family third to dixie and dax.
Please help me pray for him that he will be able to survive this ordeal.
He made our home a whole lot happier.
I am an only child and I treat my dogs as my siblings.
I grew up with dogs but these three dogs were the first three dogs I am allowed to sleep with.
They are very close to me especially Dexter.
I have never experienced losing a very close pet. My first two dogs (Dixie and Dax) are perfectly healthy.
Please help me pray for Dexter. I know he is a strong puppy. But I hope he will survive
this ordeal.
Thank You.
Here's how Dexter looks like
A little prayer for a little puppy:
Heavenly Father,
You created all things for your glory,
And made us stewards of this creature.
If it is your will, restore it to health and strength.
Blessed are you, Lord God,
And holy is your name forever and ever