Hi Guys, need your super technical brain help.
my Windows XP Pentium D hangs up from time to time. Sometimes it hangs up when it loads the basic icons after loading through desktop. no BSOD
what i tried:
1. Cleaned off dust.
2. Check PSU - All RAILS are on its +/-5% tolerance
3. Used Seatools to check HDD. no Problem on HDD
4. Have 2 pcs of 1GB Dynet. I took out one and attached it in PCI port 1...stress test using memtest86+, orthos and prime. No problem reported. Tried the second stick on PCI port 1. no problem reported
but after attaching 2 sticks. intermittent problem comes back.
im thinking maybe PCI port 2 is having a problem. i will try one stick on PCI port 2 today. and see what happens... any other areas i should check?
no software/ hardware recently added.