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  1. #1

    Default should i let him/her know?!

    angay bang khbaw ang uyab sa password sa fb or not?! post your opinions and violent reactions!!

    ako kay gnhan ko khbaw para way secreto ba..!! ahahah

  2. #2
    ang ako uyab tanan account nko khbw jud xa..
    so mas better maghimo na pud ka lain kanang wa cya kahbw para makakiat ka..ahhahhaa

  3. #3
    it's a case to case basis kay some people would consider sharing of passwords as breach of privacy. some would agree but some would definitely insist not to share their pw...

    pero in my own opinion, if naa jd ka salig sa imo uyab, there would be no need to barge into his/her privacy just to make sure he/she is not cheating. one of the great realizations i learned in relationships is: "give a lover some privacy of his/her own. if he/she cheats, then it shows what kind of person he/she is and what kind of love he/she has for you."

  4. #4
    C.I.A. smictague's Avatar
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    mas maayo nga di nlng nmo tagaan sa imo password. .
    lain man gud. . wa kai privacy anang stayla. .hahahahaha. .
    nya mura na nuon ug wai salig imo gf/bf ana kai pangayo-an ju'g pass.

  5. #5
    first of all, misleading ang topic title. i thought "should i let him/her know about me cheating". anyway...

    kung iyang pangayo-on, ihatag. pero ayaw ihatag kung dli pangayo-on abi palang nagcheating cya. as a precaution kung magka-uyab namo, clean all (bad to your image) traces of your pasts. who would want seeing your partner in their picture deep kissing scenes? or exchanging sweet messages to each other (sa past). thought it's already from the past, it would still hurt your partner. who would want hurting your partner btw?

  6. #6
    Bisan dle sultian..mamugos... limpyo na kau akong FB ron...gierase tanan chix...ahahaha paet!

  7. #7
    bwahahaa.. taga comment taga like manuko! ahaha bsta babay lagi..

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by cptn_star View Post
    it's a case to case basis kay some people would consider sharing of passwords as breach of privacy. some would agree but some would definitely insist not to share their pw...

    pero in my own opinion, if naa jd ka salig sa imo uyab, there would be no need to barge into his/her privacy just to make sure he/she is not cheating. one of the great realizations i learned in relationships is: "give a lover some privacy of his/her own. if he/she cheats, then it shows what kind of person he/she is and what kind of love he/she has for you."
    agree to this...

  9. #9
    Elite Member rku_funky's Avatar
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    TS.... cgro kung ang love nimo mo ask ug PW [PassWord] sa imo mga account nganu gud dili hatagan.
    sample sa ako murag tanan account share me.. kani ra tali ang istorya ang dili me account sharing..
    kung daghan ug secreto ang naa sa part cgro mag duha2x gyud sya ug hatag sa PW basin ma unya ang katag ug baho....

  10. #10
    Para nako... dapat naay privacy... Some couples share sa common FB or FS account... For me, I don't prefer doing it.

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