I think that SK should be abolish because I haven't seen any improvement and accomplishment on that organization. I thought during my college days that it was the time the youth should run idealistic to this country but in the end they sided to the dark side. What a sad reality that amongst those pure soul was they easily swayed with the corruption tentacles.
The SK is supposed to teach the youth how to become responsible leaders and
citizens. Actually, in many cases, the organization serves just as a venue for frivolous programs and
It wastes a lot of money. Almost P5 billion from the internal
revenueallotment of more than 42,000 barangays is allotted annually for the SK. If something concrete and good for the country has been accomplished with this huge sum of
money, we have not seen it.
It has taught many SK members the ways of corruption of adult politics. It reminds us of what the late Mayor Arsenio Lacson once said of a young politician, “So young, and yet already so corrupt.”
Corollary to this, President Aquino wants the SK abolished. Balod and Gono said the President believes, “as numerous critics do, that the SK has led the youth to the dark side of politics.’’
SK’s dark side - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos