Price has increase to 200 per pack but we added 10 more gms. total 60 gms for P200.00
We have a non toxic powder mixed with water to be applied to your dog and I personally gurantee that your dog will be cured without spending big money, neighter will your dog suffer from any side effects or such things like liver or kidney damage. Infact we even recomend that you put a pinch of this powder in his drinking water to kill the mange from the inside.......This powder at 50 grams costs only P200.00 . Treatment is done every 3 days, nomore rinsing.....Treatment can also be done with females that have puppies and seems to have spread to the pups...... Dont wait !........Zwinger von rottibuhl, Cabancalan Mandaue, tel.4207588 / 09189424649.
Pixs of a clients dog......