Pls. help me in removing blackheads & whiteheads, I've used many products but it doesn't gone..
Help me...
Pls. help me in removing blackheads & whiteheads, I've used many products but it doesn't gone..
Help me...
go to a dermatologist if you're really bothered with your backheads/whiteheads...some might give you something to make it easier to remove them or maybe you need a facial.
Maybe these old threads about blackhead could help
Blackheads removal
2 Tbs oatmeal
1tbs honey
Mix the oatmeal and honey together until mixed well. Warm the texture in a microwave. Apply the mask to the face and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Remove the mixture and rinse well with lukewarm water. Do the mask on a regular basis to help eliminate pores from getting plugged with debris.
The Best Home Remedies for Pimples
Pimples will give you low self-esteem. Pimples аre embаrrаssing аnd cаn be frustrаting when trying to get rid of them. So, whаt I’m going to do is shаre with you а home remedy for pimples. Thаt wаy, you cаn increаse your confidence аnd hаve beаutiful skin. The best home remedies for pimples аre: 1. Toothpаste...[READ MORE]
best way to prevent blackheads is to treat pimples when they are noticed to be starting. know of a product "pimple powder puff" (P50 each) that treats pimples if used at least every night after washing your face until pimples disappear
. you may contact the supplier at
i can help you, i could actually do a free demo for you in removing your blackheads and whiteheads in 30mins. just msg me if you're serious about it.
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