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Thread: The OFFICE

  1. #1

    Default The OFFICE

    God I love it!!!!!!

    malingaw ko ni steve carrell as a boss.. a pure jack ass boss and i wonder ngano ni survive ang mga employees dra. heheh

  2. #2

    Default Re: The OFFICE

    Quote Originally Posted by oliver_g0110
    God I love it!!!!!!

    malingaw ko ni steve carrell as a boss.. a pure jack ass boss and i wonder ngano ni survive ang mga employees dra. heheh

  3. #3

    Default Re: The OFFICE

    If you think the US version is funny, you should see the original British version with Ricky Gervais. Classic comedy man...

  4. #4

    Default Re: The OFFICE

    * This is a really FUNNY show! LINGAWWWWWWWWW kaayo!

  5. #5

    Default Re: The OFFICE

    this is my current favorite! hilarious!

  6. #6

    Default Re: The OFFICE

    Yes, finally someone mentioned The Office. Love this show. Yes, the British version was pure brilliance but with just two seasons and a christmas special, i can only watch it so many times. I wanted to hate the US version so much. But I ended up loving the US version more than the Brit. version. Michael Scott is an ass, Dwight is creepy. And then there's Jim and Pam. JIM + PAM = JAM. Their no-mance/romance. Kinda like Ross and Rachel but more endearing and less annoying. Oh! Jim, all that pinning for Pam is so swoon-worthy. Oh! and that confession and the kiss! Where is my Jim Halpert?

  7. #7

    Default THE OFFICE - mates

    Decided to put ip this thread for anything going on in the land of Dunder Mifflin, Inc Anyone else addicted?

  8. #8

    Default Re: THE OFFICE - mates

    Yes I am addicted

    <-----take a look.

    IMHO. its the funniest, smartest and the most well written show on TV right now. Along the same vein as Seinfeld and Arrested Development. I love Michael Scott, such a ***** but he means well, i hope. I love the office romance Dwangela, Ryan/Kelly and of course Jim+Pam=JAM. Michael, Dwight and the rest brings on the funnies but the heart of the show has got to be the JAM storyline. my favorite secondary character is Creed. O, how I love creepy Creed.

    Question [/Dwight] Is The Office shown in Cebu? I'm thinking of going back home. The deciding factor is if The Office is being shown there and if so how far back are the episodes? <Yes Im serious> I'm serioulsy thinking about getting a video iPOD just so I can download the episodes I'll be misiing when I'm back there.

    The Office casts are the best at keeping in touch with their fans. Have you checked out Jenna Fischer's (Pam) myspace page She's got a slide show pictures of the casts behind the scenes. Also check out Angela's and the rest of the casts myspace page, they're on Jenna's top friends.

    So yeah, I'm pretty much an expert on the whole Dunder-Mifflin world Im glad somebody here likes it too.

  9. #9

    Default Re: THE OFFICE - mates

    I prefer the guys at Wernham Hogg (where "life is stationery") really. The original UK one with David Brent as the boss just looked more real, genuine, and authentic. The US version still has that sitcom feel to it and the humour is kinda forced.

  10. #10

    Default Re: THE OFFICE - mates

    Wernham Hogg vs. Dunder Mifflin- oh, here we go, the never ending debate.

    I was a big fan of the original UK version. I was so pissed when I heard that they were gonna do a US version. I was so ready to hate them. But since the UKversion was only 12 episodes plus a Christmas special, and I needed some Office fix, I checked out the US version. I was hooked. True that the UK version was more rooted in reality but the whole dynamics of the show was just too bleak, too dark too uncomfortable. As much as I loved it, It was kind of a downer (except for Tim/Dawn at the end) i don't think I could have watched it for a long time if it had continued running. The difference between the two is that the US version is catered more towards the American sensibilities which is a little more optimistic, the glass is half full, hopeful about life and a little over the top kind of way. The US writers have a tough challenge of keeping that biting humor while throwing the audience a hopeful bone every now and again to keep the audience coming back week after week. The UK version was meant to only have a short run whereas the Us version is clearly meant to run as long as ratings keep up (so far decent ratings and critical acclaim have kept it on for now) so, as far as i can tell, the Us version have pretty much followed the story arc of the UK version but it's stretched out throughout the series. The US version has already more than doubled the episodes of the original. The down side of it is that its frustrating to see and wait for the stories to develop knowing what the overall story arc is. The good thing about it is that with a longer running series the characters are a little more fleshed out, there's more character development and in return you're more attached to the characters. I was not at all attached to any one particular character in the UK version. I watched it and laughed or cringed at their hijinx but at the end of the day i really didn't care about them. They're like sugar, its good, it excites your senses, it goes down your system harmlessly and afterwards you just forget about it. With the US version the writers really made each one more three dimensional, more relatable rather than just caricatures of themselves and in return I care about what happens with the characters, i feel for them and I root for them. Thats what keeps me tuning in week after week. And thats the mark of a good TV show, when you're looking forward to next weeks episode and you somehow relate to it no matter how asburd they may be. So I guess my point is that while the two shows have similar paths. They are clearly geared to two very different kinds of viewers. Speaking from someone who love both shows, I just stopped comparing the two and just sit back and enjoy both shows for what they are worth. And both are worth comedy gold!

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