I am sure most members here, if not all, have already heard and used the free services of
Before I created this thread, I made a database search with the keyword
Wikimapia but no results were returned.
Therefore I assume that there has been no such thread create or existing in the forum.
I could be wrong though, or maybe such posts are not allowed here, so I ask for the consideration from our moderators if ever I have made a violation in this thread...
being my first post on iSTORYA.net.
If in any case you are protecting your privacy, then do not post your location here.
Since we can not possibly avoid off-topic comments posted other than url locations, i will just add every new url that every member posted into my second post below this one. In my absence, i hope any moderator that has access to my post will add the new urls following the format. As this forum has a very large population, I might have a very hard time updating the Members List every now and then but I will be modifying the entries whenever I have the opportunity.
Locating your place/neighborhood: (Take note of the zoom level as I gradually zoom in on my place)
[img width=500 height=300]http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/6569/step1br7.jpg[/img]
[img width=500 height=299]http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/6311/step2ui8.jpg[/img]
[img width=500 height=303]http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/4569/step3cu7.jpg[/img]
After locating and zooming in on your house or locality (depends on the available satellite detail for your area), we now proceed on how to add your own mark.
Hover your mouse cursor on Wikimapia at the upper right corner of the page.
A drop down menu will appear, click on Add New Place
[img width=369 height=254]http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/318/add1bq5.jpg[/img]
Resize the box if needed and drag it, enclosing your house or area, then click Save.
[img width=369 height=254]http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/5811/add2dy0.jpg[/img]
After providing the required information, your new place is now ready for verification from other members (optional).
To verify, just click on upcoming places at the upper right corner (if the yellow square/s are not visible upon viewing of the page), markers awaiting verification will appear, look for the iSTORYA member's house and vote yes, enter the required four digit code then submit your vote.
Do not forget to copy the url and post it here so that other members can visit your area.
[img width=500 height=171]http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/9176/urllc2.jpg[/img]
I don't know how many verifications are needed to make a certain mark official.
Also, I think we have to refresh our internet connections if we want to vote/verify more than one mark.
In my case, i just disconnect and connect again in order to make another vote.