You may have heard about the diet from a friend or relative, or read about the Blood Type Diet in one of the popular magazines. Many people try the Blood Type Diet in the hopes of enhancing their overall health or fighting a particular disease. Many use the diet as a way of achieving their ideal weight. These are all very good reasons as over the years many people have used the Blood Type Diet to accomplish these goals.

"How do I get started?" is another one of the more frequently asked questions here, but one that we are always glad to see because it means more people are on their way to better health.
On many of the webpages and forums you will see the Blood Type Diet referred to as the 'BTD' or 'ER4YT', an older acronym that stands for Eat Right 4 Your Type, the name of Dr. D'Adamo's first book. No matter, both abbreviations stand for the Blood Type Diet.