Jesus our God, Savior and Friend!
1. By trusting Him as your only Lord and Savior
"Your sincere and continues faith until the end..."
2.By knowing Him and obeying His Will
"Deep relationship with Him and His good and perfect plan for you..."
3. By sharing Him to others- the Gospel
"Tell others what the Lord Has done for you and to your life..."
4. By loving God and others
"Not to be selfish and not to hate others..."
5. By being humble and kind to beggars
"Not to have pride and share blessing to the needy..."
6. By forgiving those who sinned against us
"for God forgive our sins when we ask Him, to learn from the past..."
7. By reading the Bible
"For it is the precious and holy word of God..."
8. Through our prayers
"Talk to Him daily for His blessings, petitions and care..."
9. By worshiping Him
"Praising Him and fellowship with the believers..."
10. Putting Him as the center
"Making Him as your first prioritize and all things will come together..."
(Note: you can add to it, don't be shy, it is for God's glory you can participate and contribute)
"If we love God fully, we must show concern and full commitment in our faith and love to Him, this is a spiritual matter,
it is between you and God, to be happy in Jesus if we only trust and obey... As we walk with Him daily we must grow Spiritually and in maturity...
yes i know it's hard to be a Christian but He promise us... "I will never leave you nor forsake you- Jesus Christ.
Thank you and God bless.
By: Simpleman21