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  1. #1

    Default capitalism vs science?

    Socialist Appeal - Capitalism Versus Science

    "We are constantly bombarded with the myth that capitalism drives innovation, technology, and scientific advancement. We are told that competition, combined with the profit motive, pushes science to new frontiers and gives big corporations incentive to invent new medicines, drugs, and treatments. The free market, we are told, is the greatest motivator for human advance. But in fact, the precise opposite is true. Patents, profits, and private ownership of the means of production are actually the greatest fetters science has known in recent history. Capitalism is holding back every aspect of human development, and science and technology is no exception."

    Your thoughts people? The article actually came from a socialist website, I'm not familiar with the author but I believe you don't have to consider yourself a socialist to actually see the contradictions of our current economic system to the continuing advancement of science and tech.

  2. #2
    Capitalism is the historic evolution of private

    property relationship of alienation , exploitation

    and suffering of immense humanity in a abstract

    modality of wages system for Capital accumulation

    and concentration. State , Class , Money are the

    unholy trinity of private property domination of life.

    Capitalism is historically outdated , destructive and a

    dying corpse suffocating life across our Planet.

    *Capitalism is fine but it needs to be regulated*

    - Bangkil

  3. #3
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    It all depends upon profit and commercialization,
    If it's not money viable then less chance for it to be pursued.
    But there are some exemptions like government sponsored research of rich countries that is atoned with the advancement of science and welfare of humankind.

  4. #4
    The biggest problem I see is that this system was forcibly
    jammed into existence a long time ago for a select minority to
    feed off and has nothing to do with what is best or fairest
    or most productive.

  5. #5
    i thought capitalism and science co existed. There is no such rivalry between them. all the products you are using, all the gadgets, are a product of science. Science is about learning and improving. Capitalism is an economic system which fundamentally is the oldest economic system around. Think of the old times, bartering, merchantilism etc. all forms of capitalism.
    Science can work for capitalism, but not against it, just like how science worked for communism, socialism. In a perfect world, socialism might prevail over capitalism, but in reality. Socialism could devolve into a monarchy. IE north korea, stalinist russia. Only now has the communist countries awoken to take advantage of capitalist values. like china.
    money makes the world go round, and I think thats the driving force for innovation. not prestige or a medal from the president

  6. #6
    There are two types of sciences, physical science and social science. Capitalism/economics are social sciences while physics/chemistry are physical sciences. The difference between the two is that physical science tends to accurately and redoable create results while social sciences is subject to social behaviour and thus its results are just probable using the science of probability. But both can be studied in a systemic way and thus making them sciences. There is no right or wrong in social sciences it is just merely a question on taste, some people may hate capitalism but some people may love it, this is because of its probable nature.

  7. #7
    It’s a case to case basis actually. Capitalism can indeed drive innovation and advancements, it’s just a matter of where you look. As a case in point, let’s discuss the “gadget race.” In the world of mobile phones for example, you now have a handful of flagship devices that boast of their own unique set of features, each one appealing to different types of consumers. In essence, the competition between the gadget manufacturers is forcing them to push the envelope in technology.

    However, that’s not to say capitalism and science go hand in hand all the time. If you knew how today’s pharmaceutical industry really works, you would be disgusted. Pharma companies are more concerned with making profits than helping people, jacking up the prices of drugs that could potentially help millions around the world. Sadly, men and women like Jonas Salk, who gave away polio vaccines for free, are far and few between these days.

  8. #8
    instead of the word science, i say its innovation.. which may include new techniques in doing things..

    a competetive market fosters innovation and improvement.. aka.. making your product more marketable than of your opponents...

    but still, necessity is the mother of inventions..

  9. #9
    C.I.A. FAQ's Avatar
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    CAPITALISM is the best economic system!!! This system allows poor people to get rich. If you don't believe this statement then you're supporting either communism or socialism. If that's the case, immigrate to China, N.K., Cuba, or countries practicing communism/socialism.

    Ok, if you support communism/socialism, let me ask you this: what's the point of being a doctor when you can be a janitor and earn the same income? Hmmm...

  10. #10
    C.I.A. rodsky's Avatar
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    Closing on the following grounds:

    1. This is turning into a capitalism vs. communism/socialism thread.

    2. You cannot compare/contrast an ideology (i.e. capitalism) with a method/tool for thinking (science).


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