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  1. #1

    Default Attention: Photographers

    You guys might have the incling of doing photoshoot with real weapons.

    1) always consider every gun as loaded gun
    2) never point the gun to anything you don't intend to destroy
    3) keep finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot
    4) be mindful and be aware of what is behind your target

    The Photographer and the Couple violated Rule 1 and Rule 2, now the Photographer is DEAD.

    Wedding photographer shot dead by couple

    A wedding photographer was accidentally shot dead by the couple he was photographing after he asked them to pose with guns.

    Sicilian photographer Calogero Scimea, 45, was taking the wedding pictures of high school sweethearts Valentina Anitra, 22, and Ignazio Licodia, 25, when he asked them to use some hunting rifles as props.

    One of the guns went off, killing the photographer in front of the horrified bride and groom, and their parents.

    The accident happened just before the wedding party attended the church.

    According to the UK's Daily Mail, the tragedy was compounded as the photographer was standing in for a colleague who was ill.

    The rifles were legally held and the family is now talking to police.

  2. #2
    naa toi nag post dri sa Photography section re: Shooting the Shooter mn cgro to where in a photographer literally taking pictures infront of an M-16 rifle. nka uniform pa ang gagunit sa rifle...
    ma-relate lng to nko ani nga balita.

    "sometimes to capture that perfect moment some people tend to cross a boundery of threshold between safety and fame". - a risk worth taking, a risk worth dying.
    Last edited by rudjard; 07-31-2010 at 12:16 PM.

  3. #3
    Maybe in real war or conflict where there are no choices and there's a need to document the event even when clear and present danger exists. But was is more important than life itself?

    Taking risks is acceptable, being dumb and careless is another thing.

  4. #4
    That's why a firearm can be safe tied and has trigger locks, chamber locks etc...

    All I can see here are 3 stupid people playing with guns... Making sure the gun is safe tied should be on the list.

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