ESL Orientation/Training for Teachers (Introduction)
Training Schedule: July 17, 2010
9:00am - 2:00pm near BTC
Training Requirements: none
Intended Audience: graduates of (at least) any four year course with or without teaching background or experience.
Training fee is minimal, includes certificate.
For those interested to attend just email us.
Teachers and Learners
- Examining the qualities, roles and responsibilities of good teachers and good students in the classroom.
What makes a good teacher?
The role of the teacher
- Manager/Controller
- Organizer
- Assessor
- Prompter
- Participant
- Tutor
- Facilitator/Resource
- Model
- Observer/Monitor
What makes a good learner?
- Age
- Learning experience
- Motivation
- Nervousness
- Language awareness
- Behavior problems
- Life experience
- Culture and first language
Language Level
English as a Foreign Language Methodology
Grammar – translation
Audio – lingualism
Presentation, Practice and Production
Task-Based Learning
Communicative Language Teaching
Community Language Learning
The silent way
The Lexical approach
Engage, Study and Activate
Giving feedback
Correction Techniques
Classroom Management
Eye contact, gesture and and voice
Using students’ names
Grouping students
Whole-class grouping pros and cons
Students working on their own pros and cons
Pair work pros and cons
Group work pros and cons
Classroom management
Orderly rows
Circles and horseshoes
Separate tables
The teacher’s position
Writing on the board
Giving individual attention
Teacher Talking Time and Student Talking Time
Advantages of Teacher Talk Time
Disadvantages of Teacher Talk Time
How to avoid unnecessary Teacher Talk Time
Giving Instructions
Use simple language
Being consistent
Using visual clues
Checking the instructions
Establishing rapport
Maintaining discipline
Reasons for problem behavior
Preventing problem behavior
Responding problem behavior
Teaching new language
Teaching vocabulary
Introducing grammatical structures
Teaching language functions
Lesson Planning
Should we plan lessons?
How should a lesson plan be written down?
Being organized
What should be included in a lesson plan?
Teaching Demonstration