Tribune Online Column
Letter to VP Jojo Binay
Ninez Cacho-Olivares
Dear Jojo:
Just a bit of friendly advice from an old friend who tells it like it is.
Whether you heed this advice or not, is all up to you, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Today’s yellows, who really are the elite civil socialites recently turned yellow, are once again holding influence and political clout, if not power and position.
Although you are pretty much considered by the Aquinos as Cory yellow, the new yellows, or the old civil socialites, who have not rid themselves of their holier than thou attitude, are bent on destroying you, as they have already started calling you a trapo, and stained by corruption, bringing up the cases filed against you in the Ombudsman’s office, and already throwing allegations of your having pocketed so much money from educational supplies, to construction of buildings and roads in Makati City and even alleging that you have been extorting from the Makati businessmen while you sat as mayor of Makati.
It is not surprising that these elite civil socialites, or the perfumed set, are out to destroy you. This is what they did to Doy Laurel, even during the 1985 campaign. Cory Aquino was, to them, their creation, whom they could manipulate, and they would protect her at all cost, including turning a blind eye to the many irregularities that went on in her government.
Doy, who sacrificed running for the top position, giving way to Cory, and even giving her the political vehicle Unido, under which they both ran, was treated very shabbily by Cory and her yellow “army.”
And when both assumed power and position in 1986, through the Edsa revolt, that was when the Yellow Bulong Brigade of Cory moved for an all-out political destruction of Doy Laurel.
Cory promised to make Doy the prime minister, as the agreement went. She did, but only for a few hours, as she promptly abolished parliament and the parliamentary system.
Doy, as VP, was appointed as Foreign Affairs secretary, but it was known that Doy and his office, including his right to take the ambassadors to task, were ignored and bypassed. The country’s diplomatic corps was dealing directly with Malacañang.
It didn’t take too long for Cory and her whispering brigade, including her yellow media, to deal Doy the final destructive blow, which was to identify him as a major participant in a coup against Cory. And even after Doy resigned as a Cabinet member, the yellows — and even Cory — dealt him more blows. She had called him a pesky fly before the nation.
The destruction of Doy by the yellows was systematic — and all intended to ensure that he would never be able to succeed Cory as president. They didn’t like Doy, and so he must be destroyed. They wanted an Edsa boy to succeed Cory, to keep power and influence for themselves.
Similarly, the same elite civil socialites moved fast to destroy then Sen. Joseph Estrada, who was then gunning for the vice presidency. But they didn’t succeed in their move to politically destroy Estrada, since he had become much too popular among the masses. Fidel Ramos and his civil socialites treated Estrada, as VP, just as shabbily. And because he performed well as an anti-crime czar, Ramos eased him out. Ramos, was after all, eyeing a change in the Charter, to allow him to run for another six-year term.
When his plan folded, he and his boys were out to portray Estrada as a VP out to assassinate Ramos. This didn’t fly either, as Estrada went on to become the president. But as the evil elite civil society and their yellow media wanted him out fast, allegations of corruption flew fast and thick. And first chance they got, they came up with House hearing, a Senate hearing then an impeachment complaint that, even when no evidence was offered, only news clippings from the yellow media.
He was tried by the Senate, but as they knew he couldn’t be convicted, they staged an elite people power which was really an undemocratic coup d’etat with military backing and ousted him, humiliated him, jailed him and had him convicted.
Jojo, the signs of the civil socialites’ destruction are already seen against you. They don’t want you to become president, that’s for sure. Just watch your back, my friend, and fight back, answer ervery charge with truth and not allowing them to destroy you.
All my best wishes, Mr. Vice President.