The May 2010 Election Results are Proof that Filipinos are Proto Humans
Posted by
rafterman on 5/17/10 • Categorized as
One of my favorite books is
Dune by Frank Herbert and in it was a passage that went:
….animal consciousness does not extend beyond the given moment nor into the idea that its victims may become extinct….the animal destroys and does not produce….Animal pleasures remain close to sensation levels and avoid the perceptual….the human requires a background grid through which to see his universe….focused consciousness by choice, this forms your grid
The above quote pretty much sums up my view about Filipinos being more like animals than actual human beings. They usually base their actions on what they “feel”. That makes them
Proto Humans because real humans act based on the facts they consciously comprehend. Pleasures that are on the sensation level such as parties, dancing, singing and pretty much acting like dumbasses take precedence over perceptual ones like enjoying a good book, building a successful business or accomplishing great feats at the workplace by going above and beyond the call of duty.
The belief that Filipinos are merely Proto Humans was strengthened in me when the results of the May 2010 elections came in. Once again, Da Pinoy has proven that they have not evolved at all into human beings but are merely a lower form of primates who happen to talk but never really speak.
Here are the candidates this country of jackasses voted into office making the entire Filipino nation a sure winner of this year’s Darwin Awards