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  1. #1

    Default Multicab not starting on rainy days (bugnaw!)

    Hi all,
    Our multicab is not starting on rainy days.
    The battery keeps on trying for about 90 seconds, then it's empty. If the weather is nice and warm, it will start after 15 secs of trying.
    My repair shop finds everything ok and usually tries to improvise only (cleaning contacts and such). Once I am driving around it will always start, no problem. The critical one is just the first in the morning.
    Now my question is:
    - should I buy a new battery (not sure as it is trying quite hard = 90 seconds is pretty good according to my friends. age mga 2 years)
    - should I replace the 'starek' I did that 6 mo ago with limited success
    - should I replace anything else (don't say the car, hehehe)


  2. #2
    your ignition system is weak, make it stronger. Go to DAJ auto repair shop, they already solved that problem on multicabs very long time ago.

    DAJ location:
    Wikimapia - Let's describe the whole world!

  3. #3
    timing kaya bai? suwayi. kanang cdi adjusan.

  4. #4
    I am from Bukidnon, so DAJ is a long journey
    So... are you suspecting that the voltage of the battery is too low?

  5. #5
    unsa man na imo muticab boss CDI? or contact point imo gamit?

  6. #6
    Your battery has nothing to do with your problem, 90 seconds is too long for a bad battery to survive.
    The problem is your ignition system, your spark cannot survive when everything is cold or have moisture.

    Kindly check the resistance of all your spark plug wires and spark plugs with an ohm meter. There should be zero resistance if you want your multicab to start during rainy days. Wire and spark plug resistance will only suppress the energy from your ignition coil. If you want to solve your problem, replace your wires and spark plugs with zero resistance reading equivalent. This is a simple problem with a very simple solution but you have to do it yourself for some mekaniko does not understand or does not know this simple solution.

    It would be best also to use an ignition coil that is not oil filled, they are weak by design ug ang uban naa pa gyud resistor suppressing the energy aron di sya moinit. Make use of rectangular or solid core type without any resistors, never use those bottle shaped coils.

    Since gikan naman diay na ug shop ug gilimpyohan na ang contacts, that part is already solved for you but the problem is still there until you correct it yourself.

    The next thing you'll ask is what wire to use and what spark plug to use. Use any well insulated wire that is zero resistance reading on your Ohm meter. Use a spark plug that has no R in the specs or part name, to be sure, use an Ohm meter.

    Good luck and wire them clean and away from any part of the engine or grounded frame.

    Quote Originally Posted by volker View Post
    I am from Bukidnon, so DAJ is a long journey
    So... are you suspecting that the voltage of the battery is too low?

  7. #7
    Wow, that's an impressive answer. Thank you very much! Yes, my mechanic doesn't own an Ohm-meter (I do). And I was wondering why he never got even close to the spark plugs, when checking for the problem. But then again I am really inexperienced and he of course is very experienced (with most problems), so I didn't say anything.
    Now I have to check how an ignition coil looks like (don't worry I can google that up).

    Well, the contacts they were cleaning, were only on the battery side - which is obviously the easy part. Maybe I can still do it the easy way, by going to my mechanic and have him replace the ignition coil - I am anyway buying all parts myself. And I can bring my ohm meter and test the resistances while he is working.

    Oh and problems with ground frame I have a lot, sometimes lights not turning on, or even the horn.

    Sige na, thanks a lot and if everything fails I will have to invite you to our mountain resort - it is really cold here in the morning - in a way I can understand the Multicab, hehe!

    Thanks again - I am happy I posted here.

    PS: Multicab is a Scrum type if that matters

  8. #8
    Hi Vernie and all,
    Thanks again, also for your additional hints via PM.
    Here are the latest updates:
    I had some trouble getting the multicab out of our farm, as it needs to pass a ditch, which is nice for starting a car, but bad if it doesn't start then, hehehe.
    Anyway after a few recharges, we got it out of there and to the mechanic. He also tried a new battery, but the car wouldn't start either - so as we suspected the battery is not guilty - although I think a 35Ah is a bit small. As you expected, he found your advice a bit esoteric (no offense, I believe your statements very well!) and disassembled the radiator and starter. The bushing of the starter was very off-center and two of the four raditor-brush-wires were broken off - seems like a good chance that the problem might be solved for now.
    The car is still in the shop as the steering needs also some machine shop work, but of course we got trapped in another Mindanao-brown-out ... so the story continues tomorrow.

    Thanks a lot,

  9. #9
    Oh my, now the multicab wouldn't try to start - it will just start right away. Haven't tried the early morning condition yet, but even now the difference is quite notable.
    So, no need to order that Porsche, our multicab is blazing again!
    Thanks to all!

  10. #10
    Tana-wa imo distributor cap tali naa moisture naka sulod. Sulaya trapo ug uga una irestart. Tali duna na hair line cracks imo distributor cap mga ka cause ni ug patol sa andar sa imo makina. Problema raba ani mga replacement nga suzuki distributor cap pwerting nipisa dalira mangliki,unya sa putos cartoon duna tatak SGP suzuki genuine parts..Ila man ta ilaroon mitsubishi ang iya orig pwerting bagaa.

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