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  1. #1

    Default Did we land on the moon?

    Tanawa lang ang link and check the evidences...
    Did we land on the Moon?

    Para nako dakoa gi ilad sa NASA nato oi...
    ignore raman nila ang mga evidences gud na wa cla niad2 sa moon...

    kamo nalang decide if unsa inyo kasulti... k???

  2. #2

  3. #3
    ngek dugay naman kau ni na issue oi and dugay napud ni gitubag ug gi debunk sa NASA ug mga uban experts kaning mga way lingaw na conspiracy theorists. cant believe until now naa gihapon mag tuo-tuo na fake ang moon landings. if your curios, just read and research more bro
    Last edited by korg17; 03-31-2010 at 11:33 PM.

  4. #4
    murag true. mura pud dili. pero, c Lord ra nakahibaw ani na issue.. ug ang NASA..

  5. #5
    padung napud ni ma.close.....calling sir rodsky...

  6. #6
    That site supports apollo 11's "Landing on the moon"..

    10) But how can you ignore all that evidence that it was a hoax?

    This is very simple to explain, there is no evidence. There are however plenty of crazy web sites claiming that it was a hoax, and some of these sites are run by people who actually make a living out of it, people such as Bill Kaysing and Bart Sibrel for instance. These people have no formal qualifications on space flight and know not much more about it than the average man in the street, perhaps even less! They are however very keen that you visit their web sites and buy their books, videos and DVD's. They are prepared to make the most stupid of claims if they think it will help boost sales. Often they will present things in such a way that they seem to make sense, but closer examination always reveals how the truth is very different.
    from that site.. maybe the TS didn't read.. i guess..? and just looked at the pictures like this...

    Look mum! No stars, NASA forgot to paint them in!
    and didn't read the context.. hmm..

  7. #7
    naa mani sa science thread..natubag nani sa mythbuster pud..haha..

  8. #8
    if only NASA could prove those who insist about the moon landing as a hoax by launching them up themselves to the moon....

  9. #9
    then maybe DECS or CHED must now implement a new curriculum to prevent ignorance...

    this issue have been talked many times already...

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by prukutung View Post
    then maybe DECS or CHED must now implement a new curriculum to prevent ignorance...

    this issue have been talked many times already...
    wala na man nang DECS sir...hehe...dept of education nalang na...gbuwag na ang culture og sports kay naa man na sila'y corresponding agencies...hehe....

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