To married couple only...
To married couple only...
cya buotan kaayo as in mas mauu na nuon cya ron na naminyo nami kaysa atong uyab pami kay mag cge cya binuang karon seryoso na cya nig abot nako gikan work nag luto nana cya pagkaon mo bantay sa amo baby....he would always say na kami ragud iya pririoty na haapy na cya namo nah love kaayo mi nya....i think the most reason why we keep our love strong tungod pud sa amo mga anak so thankful lang pud ganahan gud ko aning nindot na topic hehehehhe thx TS
In what way?
Honestly,,,,,32 yrs. married na mi w/ 3 professional children already and our youngest is 3rd yr college na,,,,,,,pero gi mentain gihapon niya ang magpa danger side kon mang lakaw mi,pull the chair for me to sit down when at the restaurant, he used to kiss me and hold my hands in public places,,,,,
Siyay magkapuliki ug dala sa mga groceries ug ang akong atimanon akong handbag ra jud. Not only special occasions ko maka dawat ug flowers,,,,, but,,,,anytime basta maka labay sya ug flowers for sale, mo palit jud na sya for me.
He buys most of my personal things like underwears, shoes, bags,clothes and jewelries during his trips abroad. If am not feeling well he treats me like a baby,,,,always breakfast, lunch or dinner in bed hehe He is a hardworker,,,,,and a good cook.
I never got the impression that being a mother or a father of 4 children also at our midlife,that we are already old in many ways to stop expressing our love and cares to our spouses. As a matter of fact, I was happy to find out that we still love each other after all these years.
I cherished him.....I wanna grow old w/ him. He is my bundle of joy,,,,,,a gift from God.
@Snowfly: awww...saludo gyud mi ninyo. minta ma inana gihapon mi sako husband bisan tiguwang nami.
ako hilig jd kog bugoy2x nga type nga guy and what would you mostly expect from a bugoy nga guy is that kiwawan cla if they are being romantic. but what i like about him is that he is a gentleman. he would put me at the right side of the road and always secure my safety. he would always put me first before his self. now that we got married i found out that he is very responsible and caring. he would cook me food, take care of our baby, clean the house and even wash our clothes. since i am the one working he's the one whose doing all these things..i may not get on what i always expected of him to do but i'm still contented of the love that he shown for me and our baby.
hmm.... wel... pirmi nako kasab-an si misis pero pinangga man jud nako.... hehe makaingn sad ko na under cya nako pero knang mga ginagmay na butang na maka-da kalipay niya hatag jud.... hehe la pa man sad jud mi nag-away na grabeh sukad2x uyab mi... ambot lang mausab bah kung naa nay baby... XD
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