here is something blinking in my head. if something i already knew ill do it but im in lack of knowledge and skills, now im asking you guys here in istroya if somebody knows how to build a circuit that can turn your speakers on or off and volume adjust remotely by accessing using the internet. i want to make a peekaboo to whom going to sits in my chair without my permission.
my speakers control uses close circuit to increase or decrease volume and by pressing both you can turn it on or off, by this maybe i can use a switch relay but i don't know the schematics.
im hoping you guys nga naa unta mo abilidad ani nga way. thanks daan.
The purpose of this project is to learn how to controls peripheral remotely by the use of pc not just software controls but also hardware controls this is to be able to move things like a spy drone remotely through interenet, if you have the access and you know what to do you can also be able to control what is in my network.
lately im playing with voip technology and im able to make some long distance calls without long distance charges and more, im done also studying about network breach so to speak i have a knowledge on how to control network just by typing a command with a single batch file i made. and im planning to combine with what i learn for the previous months. i found out that im lacking of hardware controls not able to understand what kind of hardware im dealing with.
so if you are interested with my project maybe we can share what i learn and what you learn.
please understand that is not for the bad cause this is just a part of understanding how stuff works. thanks..
first thing back to topic. i want to control my speakers using a device lets by Bluetooth when im just around and what if im not around, now i already can access my files my server through internet but i also want to access my speakers and my webcam but webcam maka palit naman ka nga maka tilt or any position you want, just the speakers lang gyud ang problem karun naku. and i dont want my speakers at full volume at all time this can make some noise.