As a new life unfolds, don't you wish you could pause life at those precise moments when the little one shows her toothless grin for the very first time or when his little hands reach out to brush your face, or when he takes his first unsteady steps? Don't you wish you could take these very moments and bottle them so you can take a whiff at them from time to time, even when her smile already twinkles with a love-touched sheen, or when his hands are already taking on the world? Well, that's what we're here for.
Calography now offers Pre-Natal, Baby and Family Portaiture
For family portraits (most especially those families that rock!) we offer fun-styled (?) portaits!
"The family that prays together, ROCKS TOGETHER!"
Please visit CALOGRAPHY or
Baby Portraits
to see more of our work.
For inquiries, please call/text 09153167344 or e-mail us through