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  1. #1

    Default Lost Black Male Lab Puppy! His name is Diego. Please help!

    Good day fellow istoryans!
    Need ur help please... My black male lab puppy about 3months old was stolen last Sunday dawn Feb. 21, 2010. His name is Diego. I'm located in banawa near Convergys, likod sa Paseo San Ramon nga area.

    Ing ani jud cya kadak-a (pls see ref pic).

    If u heard of anybody nga nag baligya of my said description of the puppy, please contact me 0920-8718841/0922-6693148. I hope i'm allowed to post this here. Thank You!

  2. #2
    uP Ta aNi pRa Sa TS aNg iYaNg LoSt DoGg.....
    LaBrAdOr Pa JuD Na fReNdLy KaaU Sa PiPoL.........

  3. #3
    bro try pud patabang sa pawpals nga petshop duol rana sa convergys.. willing na cla mutabang bro.. pwd ka post help ddto..

  4. #4
    Up Ni Na2 pRa MaKit.aN na iYaNg LoSt DoG.........

  5. #5
    lisod na pangitaon kay itom..labi na nigkagabii..

  6. #6
    asa na kaha si diego sa..

  7. #7
    kalooy ni diego

  8. #8

    sakto c koikox bro.. try sa pawpals. papilit ddto sa imo flyer. unya suroy2 suroya ang palibot. naa ra na dha sa duol ang ka kuha.

  9. #9
    hala luoya gud bro.... up up up u ko ani para makit an na ci diego ky dli lalim mawag tangan og dog....up ta ani ninyo guyzzzz

  10. #10
    up up up up up up up

  11.    Advertisement

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