just for your own readings and reflections... these articles lifted from the net might help you "diagnose" your respective vets/vet clinics... how are they treating you? are they really caring for you and your pets or just your pocket? reflect. it may help you save - your pocket and your pet.
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Do vets take advantage of the love we have for our pets?
by Rachel Johnson
I work with veterinarians all day. I work in a four Vet practice, and I would say some do, and some just don't. In the end it is you who makes the choice to get what you want or get taken.
When you go to the vet's office you need to be specific. Think about it before you come in. What are you willing to do, or not do? What are you as the client willing to spend? Set a limit and know what you want. Also realize what it might take to help your pet and be realistic.
If your dog is old or very ill and generally in bad health it is going to cost a lot to get them back healthy. If it is just a routine vaccine appointment, know that your doctor is going to recommend important things, like flea and heart worm protection. These two things eliminate so much. They take care of what could be eating at your pet. They also mean your pet has a better chance of being and staying healthy.
If you are going because your pet is ill the doctor is likely to want blood work and possibly some x-rays. The same thing we would do for a very sick human. The doctor has to eliminate possible reasons for the illness of find the true cause. That is what a good doctor does.
If that doctor uses only expensive medicines, seems to keep wanting more and more tests, and finds reasons to keep spending your money, ask where is this going. What are you expecting to find or are looking for. Let them know if money is tight and what you expect to spend.
I work with doctors who respect the wishes of the clients and want only the best for every pet. Now whether they agree or not is another thing. In the end you are only taken if you let yourself get taken. Call ahead and ask prices. Tell someone what is going on and what needs done. Work with the vet and his or her staff and ensure quality help is being delivered. No one can take advantage if you don't let them.
Remember if you take good care of your pet and make sure you keep them healthy they will live a long happy life. Get to know your pet's doctor. If you are not happy with your vet or feel that they are taking advantage of your wallet look for someone who is willing to do a good job for your pet without the hefty price tag. Some vets become doctors for the money and others do it for love.
Get your pet checked annually and let your doctor know if there is some issue you are having trouble resolving. Note any lumps bumps and allergies they have. Make sure you know what needs checked. Set a price in your head.
Go vet shopping. See if your vet is on the up and up or if you are paying for their lavish lifestyle.
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