B2B online marketers struggling to drive conversions of a high consideration product for a relatively new business

that hasn’t established a dominant market position are in a very difficult position. Even with a brilliantly

conceived and executed marketing program focused on an accurate, rational view of your products’ superiority,

quality conversions that lead to sales are still likely to be relatively rare. More often than not, prospects will

fall through because they “got a great deal from an existing vendor” or “went with a vendor that’s already

approved.” None of the standard advice about improving conversion rates through better landing page design will

put a dent in this issue because its not about making it easy for your prospects to see what they should do and act.

Instead, the problem is not being on the approved vendor list in the first place.

So what do you do? Become a champion for a teaser offer (e.g., simplified product, free 30- to 60-day trial, etc.)

that lowers the perceived risk of getting started for your target audience. To be an “approved vendor”, whether

formally through the AP department or simply through the trust built up via multiple, positive interactions around

the teaser offer, gives you a considerable leg up on future business. Its not as simple as landing page design but,

if better landing page design was all you needed, you wouldn’t be reading this.
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