WilaBaliW on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads
Band Members:
Ian Tayao
Francis Magat
Robert Dela Cruz
Louis Isok
About WilaBaliW
WilaBaliW envisions itself not merely by being just a band but more of a movement, a brand to promote a better quality and take on the vast field of music.
What WBW is about?
One of the main concerns of WBW is to uphold the vivid advocacy of promoting the progressiveness of the Filipino music scene and broadening it to global heights. WBW believes that the talent that the Philippines, in terms of musical artistry, hones can be considered to be a top contender in the global music scene and believes that it should be brought up to that level or even better. WBW will initiate the necessary courses of action to manifest this vision by providing shows that will not be maintained solely as aural display of musical expertise but also provide the required elements for the audience to render the show as a “roller coaster” experience. With proficiency in the field of Lights and Sound design, these elements will be integrated to provide a better impression for the audience on what and how musical artists should be evident in the global atmosphere of the said field.
2010 would mark the start of this movement. WBW believes that it will serve a greater purpose for the betterment of Filipino Music and is up to the task of being the catalyst for this radical change. With these new standards realized, WBW will take intricate measures for the world to realize that as a Filipino nation, we can show them what we are made of.