The Student Council & Youth Group Leaders of Cebu City
Dear Young Leader,
We are happy to invite you to a rare opportunity for a dialogue with one of the candidates of this year’s presidential elections, Nicanor Perlas. We hope to gather a few young leaders like yourself to be in authentic and open conversation with Mr. Perlas around the most pressing questions and wonderings in your hearts.
Some specific questions we might explore with you would be:
- What do young leaders long for the most - for themselves? For their world?
- What kinds of challenge would they like most to take on as leaders? What ideas do they have for doing this?
- How best to reach the sector of the youth and awaken their desire and ability to make a real difference in the world today?
- What are the unique qualities about Nicky Perlas as a leader and his vision for a new Philippines?
- What does “new politics” mean? And, what needs to happen to get there?
- What kind of leadership is important to carry out the new politics?
We invite you and your peer leaders, to join us, in speaking of the youth's most honest wishes, doubts, and callings for a better world and to –together- develop new thinking around how to create a world of your own choosing and design.
We hope you can make this time with Mr. Perlas be a meaningful and insightful one for you.
The Time: Friday, January 22, 2010 from 9:00 till 11:00am
The Place: At the Perlas Cebu Headquarters, 2nd floor of Handuraw Pizza at 460 Gorordo Ave., Lahug, Cebu City
Please let us know you are coming. Send an email to or a text to 0915-647-4666.
Nicanor Perlas Cebu Team
Movement for a New & Authentic Philippines