I find this very profound statements from one of the blogs I have read about
Jesus The Christ!
I have been inspired by this wonderful teacher, master, guide and deity since I was but a child. I didn't always agree with the church's teachings, but I have always known the teachings of the Christ were true and universal, no matter what religion.
I look to the life and teachings of Jesus as a way to understanding the path to compassion and enlightenment. I am most profoundly touched by his commandment to "Love One Another." I feel that if only we each could do this a little bit more that we would end prejudice, we would end war, we would end hunger, and we would discover truly how to live in a peace oriented world.
My prayer is that each of us take this as a life principle, regardless of our religion, race, culture or creed. May we be blessed with the ability to each day love one another as Jesus asked us to do with our neighbors, our enemies, our families. May we ask for this blessing to touch the lives of each person on this planet. May we visualize it happening. May we practice it with passion! May we realize it so that the heart of humanity may heal.