-To know what species of animals found throughout the islands of the Philippine Archipelago.
-To know different species of birds, animals, fishes, reptiles, amphibians and inveretebrates that are only found or migrated(birds) in the philippines; does not include feral and invasive animals. May include intoduced fauna in the wild, but not the domesticated ones, as long as it's not invasive and not feral.
-To help gather info about the taxonomy of species.
-To help taxonomist and biologist in their search, so that in return we may learn from them as well.
-To be aware of the existence of endangered fauna to help it's propagation; can be discussed in this thread.
-To promote humane relationship to these animals.
-To be aware of their threatening defensive mechanisms.
-To help authorities catch poachers and illegal traders.
-To give knowledge to eager minds.
-To accept the fact that "we" are part of "their" ecosystem.