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  1. #1

    Default PC desktop setup (CPU lang)

    good day mga istoyans..i need help kung unsay maayu na setup sa PC, im into 3d rendering. usually idungan naku ug open ang autocad, 3ds max, photoshop, mozilla...etc. hilig ku multitasking sa PC. ganahan sd ku musukol ug high graphic games aku PC. but dili sku anang dual video cards, isa lang sa pero naa ko planu mg-upgrade soon,,pangstart up lang sa ni..20K - 25k lang sa ako budget. one thing,, dili pa aircon aku room, i guess i need a reliable cooling system sa aku planing to buy before december ends or early january,,pang chistmas and birthday gift lang sku kaugalingun,, from cebu, so dri lng ku sa cebu mopalit.

    thanks a lot, hope to hear from you guys asap..

  2. #2
    for 3D rendering need a Quad procie & LOTS of rams para mas faster videocards...there are a lot of new models nanggawas esp. ang ATI...your pocket will best dictate your choices...

  3. #3
    thanks,,can you give specs ana nga set up? kung mag-i7 ko, pwd pa ba aku budget?

  4. #4
    kung mag i7 ka kuwangon budget nimo bro. ok naman C2Q or Phenom II X4.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by jrtomarz View Post
    thanks,,can you give specs ana nga set up? kung mag-i7 ko, pwd pa ba aku budget?
    the 20-25k budget nimo is good for an i7 920 procie and mobo only...dako2x pa gyud ug kulang to assemble a fully functioning pc

  6. #6
    mao jud kuwang kaayo kung mag i7 ka....i5 cguro murag mada ra..

  7. #7
    Elite Member moy2's Avatar
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    nyahaha mura ana jd na ai kuwang2 pa na imung 25k bro.mobo and procce lng sgru. unxa diay imu gnhn?intel ka?or amd?

  8. #8
    Intel C2Q + 4GB/8GB RAM ok na man guro na or AMD Phenom II X4 + 4GB/8GB RAM. Unya ATI HD5xxx series na graphics card if naa pa ka enough budget and Silverstone 750+W PSU. Tapos after market na CPU cooler, GPU cooler & RAM cooler

  9. #9
    20-25k budget for CPU I think is enough though. Follow what @JASON said he's right.

  10. #10
    up for this one..........

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