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  1. #1

    Default CANON camera scripting / automation

    Good news!!!

    I was able to manipulate my camera doing automation
    *time delays = stop motion photo / time lapse illusion ----- clouds!!!!
    delays that would last for milliseconds to hours, and can execute for hours!!!
    *menu command scriptings
    *autostart on boot
    *millisecond command then shoot
    *can perform loops !!! wow
    *apertureture/zoom/lens scripting
    *image quality setting scripting, during execution

    SOFTWARE/FIRMWARE: CHDK , canon firmware CHDK Wiki, <---- click the link HERE

    this is good for Canon Powershot models!!! the camera i'm manipulating right now is Canon A570 IS yay!!!!!!!!!!
    It's a coincidence I bought this cam... awesome!!

    I'll show an example soon!!!!!!!!!!! I'm still doing experiments with this firmware.

    1. Can save battery life.
    2. No more human operation.
    3. it can sit for hours, you just leave it there on your tripod.
    Last edited by dodie; 12-06-2009 at 04:37 PM.

  2. #2
    I shall challenge myself CHALLENGE #1

    if STANDARD MOVIE.... then....
    1 sec = 24 frames
    60 secs= 1,440 frames = 1 minute

    4,320 frames = 3 minutes
    7,000 frames = 5 minutes

    CAMERA CAPTURE I shall challenge to use CHDK, i'm running out of time, then I'll do this early in the morning.
    5 seconds delay = 1 minute = 12 shots
    1 hour = 60 minutes = 720 shots
    6 hours = 4,320 shots

    40kb * 4,320 = 172,800kb = 172MB
    I WILL TRY!!! CROSS FINGERS!!!!!!!!!
    DISCLAIMER: I'm doing this for CURIOUSITY and knowledge. Do not do this if the camera is not yours, you might damage it. For Programmers and experienced scripters only!
    If I fail, I'll rethink of what i'm doing and punish myself. If successful, beer!!!!!!!!.

    Last edited by dodie; 12-06-2009 at 05:18 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by dodie View Post
    I shall challenge myself CHALLENGE #1

    if STANDARD MOVIE.... then....
    1 sec = 24 frames
    60 secs= 1,440 frames = 1 minute

    4,320 frames = 3 minutes
    7,000 frames = 5 minutes

    CAMERA CAPTURE I shall challenge to use CHDK, i'm running out of time, then I'll do this early in the morning.
    5 seconds delay = 1 minute = 12 shots
    1 hour = 60 minutes = 720 shots
    6 hours = 4,320 shots

    40kb * 4,320 = 172,800kb = 172MB
    I WILL TRY!!! CROSS FINGERS!!!!!!!!!
    DISCLAIMER: I'm doing this for CURIOUSITY and knowledge. Do not do this if the camera is not yours, you might damage it. For Programmers and experienced scripters only!
    If I fail, I'll rethink of what i'm doing and punish myself. If successful, beer!!!!!!!!.

    wow, nice.. will this work with A1100 IS too?
    what data connection are u using to automate the camera commands, USB?

  4. #4
    wow, i read the CHDK site, its really cool! too bad A1100 IS is not on the list yet.. maybe in the future it will be.. it can override aperture and shutter settings and provide priority..

    i wonder if ma-manual focus ni sya when the camera specs only says it does autofocus.. its like having a DSLR with sensor like a P&S..

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by bluedes View Post
    what data connection are u using to automate the camera commands, USB?
    As of now, I didn't have physical external connections to my camera. I'm only using SD CARD, put the kick ass program in it making it bootable , use USB adaptor/reader to your PC. Create script filename .bas where you put the scripts/commands there, should be placed in drive:\CHDK\scripts folder. Every model has their own setting while booting it.
    I don't have yet a DC alternative power source, so I stick with batteries. I simply turned off other features and spend the power only on capturing, turn off the LCD too to save more.
    Last edited by dodie; 12-07-2009 at 04:01 AM.

  6. #6
    yooo!!! I made another experiment..

    I changed the setting to 10 seconds per 1 shot. So the time is shorter during 24 framers per second
    WATCH VIDEO HERE!!1 ---->>> YouTube - Time Lapse CANON chdk - Cebu Philippines
    Last edited by dodie; 12-07-2009 at 08:48 AM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by dodie View Post
    As of now, I didn't have physical external connections to my camera. I'm only using SD CARD, put the kick ass program in it making it bootable , use USB adaptor/reader to your PC. Create script filename .bas where you put the scripts/commands there, should be placed in drive:\CHDK\scripts folder. Every model has their own setting while booting it.
    I don't have yet a DC alternative power source, so I stick with batteries. I simply turned off other features and spend the power only on capturing, turn off the LCD too to save more.
    yeah, i see.. i thought na u have some data connection to remotely command the camera..
    this is really cool.. you just gave me a really good idea for what subject to do timelapse on..

    pero the battery problem will be difficult to handle.. i think there is an AC adapter for the camera available..

    i just wanna ask further questions here, coz i dont have the luxury to experiment with it yet.. hope you will answer them..

    can u set a fixed focus? like the camera will probably trigger the autofocus before each shot taken, but instead of this, can u manually set a fixed focus and maintain that focus everytime the camera fires a shot? Ur camera is A530, i think that has manual focus na.. the newer A series models don't have manual focus anymore.. not sure how it goes.

    also, i suppose you can set the aperture fixed, and just let the camera auto-calculate the shutter speed before every shot too? (this is basically aperture priority na)

    Quote Originally Posted by dodie View Post
    yooo!!! I made another experiment..
    I changed the setting to 10 seconds per 1 shot. So the time is shorter during 24 framers per second
    WATCH VIDEO HERE!!1 ---->>> YouTube - Time Lapse CANON chdk - Cebu Philippines

    wow, this is really cool!

  8. #8
    I can't recommend if this is application to all cameras, just pretend you are manipulating it yourself although thru text.......
    Almost everything is manipulated digitally, so the example commands are: WARNING!!!! different models!
    rem set menu values
    sleep 500
    click "menu"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500
    rem digital zoom off
    click "right"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500
    rem Review off?? :)
    click "left"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500
    rem safety FE off
    click "right"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500
    rem MF-Point Zoom off
    click "right"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500
    rem Safety MF off
    click "right"
    sleep 500
    rem AF-Assist Beam off
    click "right"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500
    Sample of looping
    for n=2 to 9000
        sleep 10000
    next n
    I copied some sample codes, i can't recall the URL link but there are lots of links inside the CHDK site.
    Last edited by dodie; 12-07-2009 at 09:46 AM.

  9. #9
    cool dude....

    thanks for sharing....

  10. #10
    Elite Member
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    rem set menu values
    sleep 500
    click "menu"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500

    rem digital zoom off
    click "right"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500

    rem Review off??
    click "left"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500

    rem safety FE off
    click "right"

    sleep 500

    click "down"

    sleep 500

    rem MF-Point Zoom off
    click "right"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500

    rem Safety MF off
    click "right"
    sleep 500

    rem AF-Assist Beam off
    click "right"
    sleep 500
    click "down"
    sleep 500

    is this the correct way to set? with reference to your camera and model.
    There's something wrong with this script. There's something important that is missing on this, the procedures seems so wrong

    I don't know if you intentionally not to post the entire script you copied or modified

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