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  1. #1

    Default Geforce 310. NVidia does it again! #$%@!

    Gforce 210
    Gforce 310

    two identical cards, same specs, same webpage, same everything.

    To wrap this up, here's a fun exercise, open two tabs on your browser and go to the G210 and G310 pages. Now flip tabs back and forward. It's like you haven't changed the page, except for a slightly blown-up picture of the otherwise identical card.

    We're beyond understanding the reasons, but consumers might be tricked into thinking that a Geforce G310 graphics card is the hottest thing in town, when what they actually get is Thanksgiving leftovers.

    One thing can be said for the house of Nvidia, though - tradition is still what it used to be. You can now reliably cross out the first digit on the model number of every low-end through mainstream Nvidia graphics card when making your informed purchase decision.
    nvidia has nothing to do with their leftover chips, keeps on rebranding them every now and then.

  2. #2
    they're creating a new GS series of their cards. And what's worse? They are not worth buying coz they end up being integrated video chips sa motherboard...

  3. #3
    pareho raman sila oi hehe... unya pareha rapud sa mga graphics card nila before. ang model number ra nausab

  4. #4

  5. #5
    haha ma onboard rana puhon =)

  6. #6
    -post deleted-

    double post

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Merman View Post
    haha ma onboard rana puhon =)
    maayo unta ma on board na hehe

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Merman View Post
    haha ma onboard rana puhon =)
    mao jud... not worth buying

  9. #9
    i already posted this before haha.. anyhoo nvidia loves to re-brand a-lot :/

  10. #10
    maau ma onboard bitaw para naay ma nindut2x na mga onboard ang nvidia kay ang nvidia na mga onboards kasagaran sa market kay hinay2x compares sa ATI.

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