Jesus said, "You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve" (Matthew 4:10). It's interesting to note that Jesus did not say "praise and serve." Even the briefest examination of the word praise in the Bible quickly shows it's a verbal thing and is for the most part singing. Worship, however, is from the heart. Worship manifests itself in praise. Serving God is worship, and Scripture is clear we will serve God in heaven. "His servants will serve Him" (Revelation 22:3).
"to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height, and to know the love of Christ" (Ephesians 3:18-19). In other words, we will never stop learning.
"in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Colossians 2:3)
Let me picture some things here to the most of what i can share:
In the beggining God Created the HEAVENS -plural
1. Atmosphere
2. Outerspace
3. A place of promise
we will talk about the two, i could not possibly share the third one.
1. When we were able to fly with planes, o so much excitement so much promise and so much joy... so much things we know, and so much of everything... a lot has been observed.
2. When we are able to go beyond atmosphere, o its beyond what we can comprehend, we were able to observe galaxies stars and so much of everything... I kept watching the Universe because its the scientist imagination how things will be like. Its such a very exciting episodes. Finally we were able to study the vastness and yet only a few we know of the rest are just presumption yet very appealing.
if God allows us to examine the universe with the help of the third heaven, what magnicent it will be, we never even know whats the boundary of space, yet a promise said it will be a place of countinous learning. I will be enrolling on those journey. I want to see how he did it. What i just told you are the side of my interest.
The promise said, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Heaven is not about praying... it never said... it only said serve. Serve his purpose for one...
I play world of warcraft mga brad, and yes its really a great great fantasy, an ageless game. Makes you want to play more, makes you fear the laws, the experience is different.... but then its just so limited in the sense that you will reach the point of telling yourself i get bored. By the way, commonly it takes three rich years to muster the game.
I wonder how it feels heaven... not feels like heaven.