been playing with it for a few days and i cant figure it out
its driving me mad lol hope someone can help.
heres the setup.
WRT54g Router is setup in
point A with wireless connection on.
Laptop computer at
point C which is on the opposite side of the house. so this means it gets very low signal.
looks like this
A ------------------------------------------ C
Now i was trying to put WAP54g at
point B so that it can get signal from
point A and boost it so that the signal can reach
point C
so it looks like this
A ---------------- B ------------------- C least that's what im trying to accomplish.
the wap54g only has for AP modes and i tried em all and cant get it to work. im missing a step i just dont know where lol
Access point
AP Client
Wireless Repeater (this looked like the obvious choice but it didnt work or i did it wrong)
Wireless Bridge
can someone help out?