Wise Men LOVE their Wife
Men are born polygamous, Would you Believe it?
Stories say we do. Others believe it, others don't.
Some Religion says it's all right, would Women agree with it?
Some would be forced to accept it, majority would disagree.
Men can't live without Women, would you agree?
Science say it's true because without your Mother, would you be reading this now?
Maybe if you don't then you're a Miracle Child, it think you're cloned.
Men need Women in their Life, If you think you can then you're fooled somehow.
There wouldn't be a Family without a Woman part of it.
For you need a Mother, a Wife or a Sister in the Equation
Husbands should know the importance of their Wife, if they don't they're Crazy
They have the Sexual drive but they are too damn Dumb and Lazy.
Happily Married People are the most Successful People in the World.
Can you fill the chills in your spine seeing two old People still very sweet with each other?
Men can't call themselves Successful if they don't Love their Wife
Because part of them is not happy, part of them is disillusioned by Money
Why do Men cheat with their Wife, have you asked that question?
Men cheat because they think they are Man enough to get away with it.
Sexual Pleasure is temporary, but Emotional Love is Eternal.
Love your Wife so that you may know what True Love Brings
I Love my Wife because she complements me, She is the other side of me.
My Wife sees the Potential and Weakness in me, Women are born with this gift.
My Wife balances my outlook in Life, She sees what I was Blind to see.
She is there when no other people understands what I feel.
Love means Respect, Care and Affection
If you truly Respect your Wife, would you dare cheat on her?
If you truly Care for your Wife, would you allow here to get hurt?
If you are truly Affectionate with your Wife, would you not feel the pleasure she brings?
Wise Men think First with their Brain followed with their Heart
Wise Men don't gauge Love by how hard his member gets when he sees his Wife
Wise Men always want to be successful in Life, they know how to invest.
So Invest in your Wife emotionally and physically because WISE Men LOVE their Wife.
I'm Rodney Lemuel Fortuna with 3 Wonderful Kids and a Loving Wife Marie Joan
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