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  1. #1

    Default Need help from the pros..

    mga bro.. unsa ang best programming language to make a Human Resource program? still im trying karon microsoft access.. pero.. nahan ta ko nga makat-on ug sql and the like.. also if naa mu help, i want to build it on other programming languages too. dili ko programmer nor computer related.. but d sad cguro ko pc ignorant.. pls mga bro im willing to learn.. ty daan mga master.. hope someone helps me out.. for FREE.. T_T hehe

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by lingkwyz View Post
    mga bro.. unsa ang best programming language to make a Human Resource program? still im trying karon microsoft access.. pero.. nahan ta ko nga makat-on ug sql and the like.. also if naa mu help, i want to build it on other programming languages too. dili ko programmer nor computer related.. but d sad cguro ko pc ignorant.. pls mga bro im willing to learn.. ty daan mga master.. hope someone helps me out.. for FREE.. T_T hehe
    as to what end are you referring? host or backend? i'm guessing backend since you mentioned access. if host you can have Visual Basic for standalone and PHP, ASP and etc for web implementation. For backend, Apache Server or Access. If you manually create your database, that's a hassle... so try SQL it's very easy to learn. just search the internet on how to dynamically connect your preferred host to your preferred backend. =)

  3. #3
    try its for rapid development all u need is .net and sql

  4. #4
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    OMG... @_@ what are you trying to say guys? Do you really know what does it mean about backend? or even this simple SQL, or whatever is that dynam ically connect preferred host :P

    anyway, SQL for Ms Access is not as good as what you have in MSSQL,ORACLE etc.. MS ACCESS is only one user at any time. SQL and Programming is pain for beginners as you have to study differently, but I suggest you to study programming first, before touching any of these RDBMS.

    The best programming language depends upon you, but you can try JAVA, VB, C#, DELPHI, buy books install their IDE and SDK's, read, read, code and code a lot.

  5. #5
    I agree with Mark
    Best language depends you jud. And his suggestions are good languages to start with.

  6. #6
    HRIS is a big project to start with. Sugod lang usa ug mga simple like 'hello world!'

    You can start with PHP.

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