my barkada asked for my advise regarding his relationship with his girlfriend. They've been together for 3 years. In that 3 years walay sagabal not until nakawork iya GF and nakaila ug new set of friends, the problem is, sukad nakaila sa iya GF iya new friends na silag time for each other kay mag cge nag laag ug pakig inum iya GF with her new friends. there was one time na problematic kaayu cya and nanghagad cya makigspend time sa iya girlfriend but gbalibaran cya kay nakig inum iya girlfriend with her barkada. his GF even refused his offer na makigkuyug nya makig out of town on his birthday kay naa kuno silay laag with her friends. eventually, it led to a fight. until karon di na tubagun sa iya gf iya calls, di na sad mu reply sa text. wat do u think about this? wat do u think wud be the right thing my friend should do?