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  1. #1

    Default HELP: Plants for Aquarium:

    Asa ko makapalit og Clay?

    then asa ko makapalit these plants:

    Java Moss (Vesicularia dubyana)
    Java Fern (Microsorium pteropus)
    Spike Rush (Eleocharis parvula)
    Corkscrew (Vallisneria americana)
    Waging Leaf Swordplant (Echinodorus martii)

    call or text pls:


  2. #2
    sa riverfront....try lng inquire

  3. #3
    You can check with Riverfront Aquarium at Colon (fronting Colonade Mall), or PM sir swordfishh here at istorya.
    Also you can check Pipers Petshop at Banilad, or you could PM sir alainphillip here at istorya.
    You could check with Hobbyist Pet at Mambaling area, or PM sir Edgar here at istorya.

  4. #4
    happy scaping sir.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by fariza7788 View Post
    Asa ko makapalit og Clay?

    then asa ko makapalit these plants:

    Java Moss (Vesicularia dubyana)
    Java Fern (Microsorium pteropus)
    Spike Rush (Eleocharis parvula)
    Corkscrew (Vallisneria americana)
    Waging Leaf Swordplant (Echinodorus martii)

    call or text pls:

    E. martii (E.major) gyud? ambot naa ba na diri. If you somehow find it here, be sure to give it a minimum of a square foot growing space. Its a "medium" sized sword but even medium sized swords are huge.

    As for the other 4, naa na diri sa cebu. Just visit the above mentioned petshops. The java fern will be a bit expensive.

  6. #6
    dont forget the anubias and the madagascar lace plant. They will be very nice to see in your tank.

  7. #7
    yeah nindot bitaw na, myself wants to grow that kind of plant.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Soggy2 View Post
    E. martii (E.major) gyud? ambot naa ba na diri. If you somehow find it here, be sure to give it a minimum of a square foot growing space. Its a "medium" sized sword but even medium sized swords are huge.

    As for the other 4, naa na diri sa cebu. Just visit the above mentioned petshops. The java fern will be a bit expensive.
    tagpila diay ning java fern? price range lang..thanks..

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by gaevwa View Post
    tagpila diay ning java fern? price range lang..thanks..
    im not really sure pila ron. kung price range basi 50 to 500 cguro. With the lower priced ones katong common java fern then ang mahal kay katong narrow leaf/philippine java fern. Naa pud windelov in between tingali. hehehe.

    Di gyud ko sure sa price kay di kaau ko interested sa java ferns and have not really paid them any attention lately.

    hmm... anubia$ and madaga$car lace... mahal mani sila oi.

  10. #10
    sayang wala ka kaabot sa akong sale sa Java moss bro....tsk3x....
    for more variety of plants adto sa petshops boss....

  11.    Advertisement

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