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  1. #1


    CCC Yo~! SOS (Start of School)
    A CCC event to celebrate the first cosmeet.

    WHEN : August 15, 2009 (SATURDAY)
    TIME : 9:00am - 6:00 pm
    WHERE : TLC (Talamban Leisure Center)

    Located a few blocks after Silver Hills if you are coming from D’ Family Park (See map attached)

    Activites :

    *Quiz Bowl
    *Singing Contest

    ~and many more!

    **Added Activites : **


    ~more to come!


    Are you ready, yo?!

    Last edited by ixxora; 08-06-2009 at 09:09 PM.

  2. #2
    CCC presents Yo~! SOS (Start of School) Programme

    This will be the final programme for the event. It's good for the whole day. So unless there'll be some voodoo hoodoo going on then this will be carried out in toto.

    9:00AM-12:00 noon Registration for Contestants

    9:00AM-4:00 PM Voting for the Categories

    10:00AM-10:30 AM Opening

    10:30AM-11-30AM Lecture A

    11:30AM-12:00noon Intermission A/Game A

    12:00noon-1:00 PM Lunch Break

    1:00PM-2:00PM Lecture B

    2:00PM-2:30PM Intermission B/Game B

    2:30PM-3:30PM Singing Contest

    3:30PM-4:30PM Quiz Bowl

    4:30PM-5:00PM Closing and Awarding

    5:00PM-6:00PM Band Hour

    1.Contestants have all morning to register and pay.

    2. There are some contestants that have a voter's choice criteria. Support your favorite bet by voting for them!

    3. We will be having Games A and B simultaneously with the lectures. If more time is needed,we might use the lunch break time slot.

    4. We are looking for individuals and groups who are willing to perform during the intermission times. Anything goes! Just Feel like dancing or performing a skit? Go for it.
    Last edited by ixxora; 08-06-2009 at 08:56 PM.

  3. #3

    We'd like to announce that there will be an entrance fee of Php 65.00.

    We'd like to apologize for the delay. We'll be posting the mechanics within the next few days to come.
    Last edited by ixxora; 08-06-2009 at 08:51 PM.

  4. #4
    YO~! SOS (Start of School) REGISTRATION and PRIZES

    Registration Fees
    Karaoke - 90
    Quiz bowl- 200
    Art(Mascot, Logo and Uniform)- 90


    Logo - 900 worth of prizes
    Mascot - 900 worth of prizes
    Uniform - 900 worth of prizes
    Singing Contest - 1st: 500, 2nd: 250, 3rd: 150 worth of prizes
    Quizbowl - 1st: 1000, 2nd: 500, 3rd: 250 worth of prizes


    1. Open to BOTH members and non-members.
    2. Registration for the contest can be done on or before the event itself.
    3. Registration may be done personally or through electronic mail.
    a. For personal registration, please set an appointment with the designated person.
    b. For email registration, please send your forms to this email.
    c. Email registrants will be asked to verify their forms upon payment.
    1. Pay ONLY to the designated body for this.
    2. Pay on or before the event.
    d. Information submitted will be kept confidential and will not be divulged to the public at any given time.

    4. Walk in contestants are permissible. Given that they have registered and will comply with the regulations as stated as the contest joined.

    5. On-site registration will be from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM.
    a. Grace period of up to 1:00 PM

    6. Late registration will be conditionally accepted based on certain criteria but monetary penalty will be applied.
    a. Penalty will be P75.
    b. Late registration time will start from 1:01 PM up to 2:30 PM
    c. Grace period up to 2:35 PM

    7. Registered contestants must be present during the awarding ceremony to represent their entries.

    8. Proxy representation of registered contestants during the event must be certified by the registered contestant through any verifiable means.

    9. Should the contestant feel that they no longer wish to push through with their entry, only 30% of the registration fee of contest/s joined will be returned to them.

    10. In line with the visual arts category, contestants need only to pay 50% of the registration fee for any succeeding entries.
    Last edited by ixxora; 08-06-2009 at 08:55 PM.

  5. #5
    Yo~! SOS (Start of School) Update : Logo + Mascot Design Contest Mechanics

    Logo Contest Mechanics

    1. Open to BOTH members and non-members.
    2. Contestants must have already registered on or before the event.
    3. All media is acceptable.
    4. Logo must be visible at 2x2, 4x4 and 16x16 dimensions respectively.
    5. Logo must visibly contain the text of CEBU COSPLAYERS CLUB on its image.
    6. Logo must not contain or imply any derogatory and/or offensive content.
    7. Logo must encapsulate the primary goal of the club ‘To create a venue for Cebu cosplayers to gather together as a community.’
    8. Logos sent will be accompanied by a short description (1 paragraph minimum of three sentences, maximum of 10) of their entry.
    9. Logos must NOT possess any mark of identification of the artist.
    10. Tangible copies of entries must be submitted during the event itself as they will be displayed at the venue.
    a. To be provided by the contestant.
    b. 2x2 and 4x4 samples of the designs + short essay should be submitted for display.
    c. Samples should bear name and signature of the artist on the upper right corner at the back.
    d. Essays may have name of the artist.

    11. Multiple entries for this contest is permissible.

    Mascot Design Contest

    Besides a logo, it would also be snazzy if the club also had it’s very own mascot. It would be a representation of the club and it’s ideals in a 2d and even 3d incarnation. Yes you read that right! Not only will your design be on the official CCC materials, your character will also be brought to life during official events!

    Mascot Design Contest Mechanics

    1. Open to BOTH members and non-members.
    2. Contestants must have already registered on or before the event.
    3. All media is acceptable.
    4. Mascot entry must be original.
    5. Mascot entries need not be ‘fresh’ and may be pre-existing pieces already.
    6. Character sheets must be drawn in detail and contain written descriptions of entry. It must contain:
    7. A fully finished piece of the mascot must also be made to show the finished product

    a. Headshots (Front, back, side)

    b. Full body (Front, back)

    c. Color Scheme

    d. Texture Scheme (optional)

    8. Mascot design must be accompanied by a short essay (Minimum of 1 paragraph, maximum of 3 paragraphs, average sentence count per paragraph: 5) that describes the concept of the entry.

    9. Mascot design must be able to encapsulate what a Cebu Cosplayer is.

    a. It must not contain or imply vulgar or obscene content.

    b. It must not contain or imply derogatory or offensive content

    10. Mascot design must be kept at PG-13
    11. Tangible copies of entries must be submitted during the event itself as they will be displayed at the venue.

    a. To be provided by the contestant.
    b. Copies of character sheets and fully finished piece + printed copy of short essay should be submitted for display.
    c. Character sheets and fully finished piece should bear name and signature of the artist on the upper right corner at the back.
    d. Essays may have name of the artist

    12. Multiple entries for this contest is permissible.
    Last edited by ixxora; 08-06-2009 at 09:01 PM.

  6. #6
    Yo~! SOS (Start of School) Update : Registration Rules Supplement + UNIFORM DESIGN MECHANICS

    Registration Update

    For the sake of making it more explicit, we decided to supplement the already written rules on registration for the contests. Hopefully it will encourage more to join and will clear up some questions lurking on your minds!

    1. You are allowed to send multiple entries to the following contests.

    a. Logo Design

    b. Mascot Design

    c. Uniform Design

    2. Multiple entries also entail more registration fees however. As specified on the rules, succeeding entries will only cost the contestant 50% of the original registration fee.


    Contestant A would like to send three entries under the Logo Design category. A will have to pay 90 for the first entry and 45 each for the succeeding entry.

    3. The registration fee for the visual arts category contests are 90 each. Meaning if you want to join all three, you will have to pay 90 per category. Not that you pay 90 once and you’re in all three categories already.

    4. You are allowed to collaborate/enter as a group entity in the following contests. But it doesn’t mean you will each receive the prize pot already announced. Rather, you will have to divide amongst yourselves.

    a. All Visual Arts Contests

    b. Singing Contest

    c. Quiz Bowl (it’ll be made a requirement actually)

    If you guys have anymore questions and stuff you’d like to clear up, please dont’t hesitate to ask! <3


    This started as a what if idea amongst the sempai of the club actually. As the club grows, so did the plans to be enacted to make it fun and cooler as time passes by. Somehow, we felt that at some point, we’d have to have something to wear at official events (other than a club t-shirt... Don’t worry, we’ll have that contest at some other time. ) and gatherings to represent the club. Or if we just don’t have any costume to wear at events and conventions period. He he he... Instead of brainstorming amongst ourselves, we thought it would be swell to allow you guys to contribute too!

    Post event- the winning entry will be considered to be made in a tangible, wearing form. Oh yay! But of course, that’s a totally different story altogether now. :P

    PS: UNIFORM AND MASCOT ARE NOT THE SAME O A O. Though we could make our mascot wear the uniform... BUT THAT’S NOT THE POINT. D: Actual members, as in you and me, will be wearing this.

    1. Open to both members and non-members.

    2. Contestants must have already registered on or before the event.

    3. All media is acceptable.

    4. Uniform design must be original.

    5. Uniform design entries need not be ‘fresh’ and can be sourced from pre existing sources that you have permission to use.

    a. Copyright infringement will be tantamount to disqualification

    6. Designs submitted must be for both male and female.

    a. Submitting a design per *** is permissible

    b. Submitting a unisex design is permissible

    c. Submitting only for one *** is not permissible.

    7. Uniform mock ups must be drawn in detail and contain written descriptions of the parts of the uniform. It must contain:

    a. Tops (front, back, side)

    b. Bottoms (front, back)

    c. Full body (front, back)

    d. Accessories (if applicable)

    e. Footwear

    f. Color Scheme

    g. Texture Scheme (optional)

    8. Uniforms must be able to embody the feel of what a Cebu Cosplayer is.

    9. Uniforms must be kept at PG-13

    a. Uniform must be modest and decent for any age and specific *** assigned to it.

    b. No plunging necklines

    c. No midrange exposure at any time or scenario

    i. Stomach area must not show when arms are at normal position

    ii. Stomach area must not show when arms are raised halfway or fully above the head

    d. Bottoms must not go beyond ONE INCH above the knee

    i. This applies to skirts and shorts

    ii. This applies to one piece articles as well. (jumpers, smocks, dresses, etc)

    e. Sleeveless designs are permissible.

    i. Straps must be at minimum 1 inch thick. No spaghetti straps

    f. Back exposure must be minimal.

    i. No upper back exposure beyond the shoulder blades

    ii. The no mid range exposure rule also applies to the backside of the stomach. No exposure there too folks

    10. Tangible copies of entries must be submitted during the event itself as they will be displayed at the venue.

    a. To be furnished by the contestant.

    b. Copies of uniform mock-ups should bear names and signature of the artist on the upper right corner at the back.
    Last edited by ixxora; 08-06-2009 at 09:04 PM.

  7. #7
    YO~! SOS Singing/Karaoke Contest Mechanics

    One of our most beloved traits and talents as Cebuanos is that we love to sing and play instruments. We sing in the midst of joy and sorrow, having the appropriate melody and lyric for any occasion. It’s really in our blood to sing to so speak.

    So don’t be shy. Let out the inner songbird in you.

    Go solo, go group. It dun matter, yo. :P

    1. Open to both members and non-members.

    2. Members must have registered on or before the event.

    3. This contest will allow only up to SIX slots.

    a. Each slot will be given to one entrant-entity (either individual or group)

    b. Slots are first come, first serve based on those who are able to register and comply with requirements.

    4. Songs allowed for this contest may be in the following languages:

    a. English

    b. Tagalog/Filipino

    c. Cebuano

    d. Japanese

    5. Performances may not exceed beyond 10 minutes.

    a. This will include both entrance and exit.

    b. Time will start AFTER the emcee has introduced the entrant/s regardless if the entrant/s have started to sing or not.

    c. Time will end after 10 minutes or once the performance is over/entrant/s have already exited the area.

    6. An entrant-entity may choose to go individual or group.

    a. Minimum of 1, maximum of 5.

    b. Groups must have a team captain/leader. This must be indicated at registration.

    c. Registration is 90 for the team captain/leader and 30 for each succeeding member.

    d. Those who are registered under group may not en-list for another group or perform solo. They must stick to one act alone for the entirety of the contest.

    7. Music CDs must be submitted on or before the event.

    a. Five copies must be furnished for the following on or before the event itself:

    i. 3 for the judges

    ii. 1 for the audio team

    iii. 1 for the entrant-entity

    This is to ensure that all parties have a copy.

    b. CDS must be properly labelled:

    i. Name of Entrant

    1. If indi, state name as indicated at the registration.

    2. If group, state group name, team leader and members

    ii. Track List

    1. Song Chosen

    2. Instrumental version of Song

    iii. Designation: For Judge A,B,C; Audio Team

    c. CDS must be given at the registration desk not later than 12 NOON during the event.

    i. CDs submitted before the event must be given to the designated individual for it.

    ii. Grace period for on site submission will be up to 12:30 PM.

    iii. No late submissions will be allowed.

    iv. No CDs will be tantamount to disqualifications.
    Last edited by ixxora; 08-08-2009 at 09:29 AM.

  8. #8
    Why are we having an event?

    Sorry to interrupt the normal line up but for today there will be no list of mechanics posted. ^^;;

    We were supposed to post the mechanics and rules of the Quiz Bowl but we decided that this was more important to say to you all. The mechanics + rules will be posted tomorrow. No worries.

    Do you guys even know why we’re having an event?

    Before any of you guys end up going ‘Oh this is just a post asking for sympathy points’ hold up!

    You gotta read till the very end and read us out! (Lewlsorz)

    To answer that question... It goes like this:

    It’s been a year hasn’t it? No. Rather. More than a year.

    We’ve had three cosmeets already. Sure that’s a lot. But we felt that we haven’t really contributed to the bigger community just yet. Our cosmeets are hardly events that can be opened out to the public since it’s mostly a club event that focuses more on being able to bring together our members. I’m quite glad that this is actually showing some progress. I think. What do you guys have to say?

    At any rate, we thought of the event as a two-fold event.

    First, we’d like to include just about everyone else who’d like to join. Unlike the cosmeets where even if we don’t put a cap on how many people who aren’t members can join may join, there is still the exclusiveness –to an extent, please, we’re not elitists!- to the activities. This time, this event is open to everyone and anyone. Member or not, feel free to go. There’s no limit as to how many people can come and go. (As long as pay the entrance fee of course xD) Also, it’s a whole day affair with tons of activities and things for you to look forward too. Yes, it’ll have a programme and lists of main events to enjoy but we’ve made it that you’ll have some side events and shows to be able to enjoy if the main events do not suit your appetite. Unlike the cosmeet where you’re only stuck with whatever programme the hosts come up under a time limit of a half day affair.

    Heck, we even made the event kid-friendly! So it’s perfectly fine to bring your siblings and what not if you want them to enjoy as well.

    Second, call us ambitious but we’ve felt that the club hasn’t really given its all for the community just yet. We’ve had a good start with the cosmeets and the seemingly always WIP forum and website (>_>) but we can’t just stick to that and say we’re done with that. Nope. There’s still more to come.

    For those who went to the prequel, we announced that next year, we will have more activities and contests to look forward to. Yes you read that right! We’ll be having contests for next year. They’ll be themed type contests and hopefully, you guys will be participating in these? ^^; -crosses fingers- We listed it down in the tentative schedule but we could also have some cosplay workshops. Not quite sure on that one yet though. Hopefully it’ll push through.

    We’ll still have our cosmeets and even an event, don’t worry. XD

    So yes. We’ll be needing funds for those. And you can’t really expect either me or Wee to always shell out cash all the time do you? We’re not exactly piggy banks or charitable institutions. We also need money to spend on other things!

    No, we’re not having an event to refund our spending from the previous three cosmeets. Geez. We’re not that low.

    Rather, we’re having an event to be able to raise funds (and hopefully enough) for the events we have in mind next year.

    Funds for the cosmeets. We’ve noticed that hosts tend to either spend so much out of their own pocket or we end up spending for the cosmeets. To be quite honest, from the last 2, it was either or. Not both. As in either the host spent or a founder spent. Go figure. Either way, a thank you isn’t enough to repay that. We won’t be able to refund but we’ll rectify this by trying to fund the cosmeet to an extent given the funds we’ll be able to raise. We’ll have to do an accounting first for this.

    Funds for the contests. Definitely need to raise some money for this. You can’t have contests if you don’t give prizes can you?

    And maybe for the next event? We’ll see. XD

    This won’t be our only fund raising activity however. We’ll be doing other fund raising activities as well. Plans are indeed brewing and all. When time comes, it’ll be unveiled to the public. Hopefully we’ll have your support on this.

    (To those who would like to question and perhaps even attack our procedure, you are free to ask for a report post event as to where the funds are going and coming from. This is to show that were quite sincere with what we’re doing and that we aren’t trying to make a business out of this. Geez. If we seriously wanted money, we could’ve just opened a business instead of making an event. O_o
    Last edited by ixxora; 08-08-2009 at 09:30 AM.

  9. #9
    see you there guys!!!

  10. #10
    See you guys there!~ ;D

  11.    Advertisement

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